Browse College

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
CDUX009 CDUX009 Module
Centre for Labour Market Studies at the School of Management SS-LM Department
College Blackboard Training SSX005 Module
Containment and Resistance in 1950's and 1960's American Culture EN3005 Module
Criminology 50000175 Department
Criminology SS-SC Department
Doctoral College DCT College
DRT-SSAH 2019/20 SSAHX007 Module
English 50000084 Department
English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) AR-EL Department
History of Art and Film 50000086 Department
History, Politics and International Relations 50005820 Department
Leicester Law School 50000106 Department
Lifelong Learning EC-LL Department
Masters Course: Global Context of HRD and HRM MSTRSHT_DGC Module
Media and Communication SS-MC Department
Modern Languages 50000088 Department
PhD in Creative Writing ENX029 Module
Politics and International Relations SS-PL Department
Politics and International Relations 50000174 Department
Qualitative Research SSX010QUALR Module
Quantitative Research SSX010QUANTR Module
Research Design and Practice SSX010RDP Module
Research Design and Practice (Pre Oct 14) SSX010RDPPREOCT14 Module
Research Philosophy SS7200 Module
Research Philosophy SSX010RP Module
School of Archaeology and Ancient History 50000079 Department
School of Education EC-ED Department
School of Education 50000102 Department
School of Media, Communication and Sociology 50000172 Department
School of Museum Studies 50000094 Department
Sociology 50000176 Department
Sociology SS-SO Department
Vaughan Centre for Lifelong Learning 50004698 Department

Lists linked to The College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities

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