Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Business in the Digital Economy MN3115 Module
Business of the Space Economy MN3170 Module
Business Planning and Finance MN7043 Module
Business-to-Business Marketing & Supply Chain Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7517 Module
Consultancy Challenge MN2105 Module
Consumer Behaviour MN2121 Module
Consumers, Brands and Communications MN7011 Module
Consumers, Brands, and Digital Marketing MN1030 Module
Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship MN3166 Module
Crisis Management MN3165 Module
Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development MN7638 Module
Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development MN7606 Module
Dissertation MN7020 Module
Dissertation (International Business) MN7054 Module
Dissertation (Marketing) MN3204 Module
Dissertation/Business Plan MN7047 Module
Emergency Planning Management MN7608 Module
Emergency Planning Management MN7641 Module
Entrepreneurship and Practice MN7044 Module
Global Strategy, International Marketing, and Operations Management MN7053 Module
International Business MN7406 Module
International Marketing MN3117 Module
International Marketing [ Postgraduate ] MN7529 Module
Learning and Professional Development Portfolio MN7708 Module
Managing and Developing People and Organisations MN7701 Module
Managing Data, Analysis and Application​ MN7711 Module
Managing Finance for Corporate Policy and Strategy MN7705 Module
Managing International Marketing Communications, Brands and Relationships MN7704 Module
Managing Knowledge in Organisations MN3110 Module
Managing Risk, Crisis and Disasters MN7640 Module
Managing Risk, Crisis and Disasters MN7607 Module
Managing Value Creation Processes from Idea to Market MN7702 Module
Market Intelligence, Data Analysis and Research Methods MN7435 Module
Market Intelligence, Data Analysis and Research Methods MN7051 Module
Marketing Analytics and Decisions MN3164 Module
Marketing Communications and Digital Media MN2106 Module
Marketing Ethics and Society MN3167 Module
Marketing Intelligence MN2026 Module
Marketing Management MN7404 Module
Marketing Strategy MN2145 Module
Marketing Strategy and Innovation MN7013 Module
Marketing Theory MN3163 Module
Operations Management MN2110 Module
Organisational research and consultancy methods and the MBA Project MN7709 Module
Principles and Practices of International Business MN7050 Module
Principles of Marketing MN1002 Module
Principles of Marketing MN7010 Module
Project (International Business) MN7055 Module
Project (Marketing) MN3205 Module
Research Methods and Project MN7642 Module
Research Methods and Project MN7609 Module
Services Marketing MN3119 Module
Strategic Brand Management MN2107 Module
Strategic Marketing Management and Practice MN3168 Module
Strategy MN2108 Module
The Management and Shaping of Innovation MN3133 Module
The Production and Consumption of Culture MN3106 Module
The Strategic Management of Innovation, Design and Technology MN7045 Module
Theories of Risk, Crisis and Disasters MN7605 Module

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