Lists linked to Identity Troubles: nationalism, jihadism and the far right

Title Sort by title Date Last updated Sort by last updated
SY3099 Identity Troubles: nationalism, jihadism and the far right 2020-21 Ended 31/07/2021 24/11/2020 11:34:05
SY3099 Identity Troubles: nationalism, jihadism and the far right 2021-22 Ended 31/07/2022 23/03/2022 10:57:57
SY3099 Identity Troubles: nationalism, jihadism and the far right 2022-23 Ended 31/07/2023 16/11/2022 13:07:11
SY3099 Identity Troubles: nationalism, jihadism and the far right 2023-24 Ended 31/07/2024 10/04/2024 08:04:37