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ADCR012: Criminology Personal Tutor Meetings ADCR012 Module
Advanced Policing: Theory, Policy and Practice [ Year 2 ] CR2013 Module
BA Security and Risk Management BAPSSRM1 Course
BA Security and Risk Management (Mod 1) BAPSSRM1MOD1 Module
BA Security and Risk Management (Mod 3) BAPSSRM1MOD3 Module
Conflict Prevention, Response and Recovery [ Postgraduate ] CR7581 Module
Consumption and the Creative Industries MN7016 Module
Crime and Crime Prevention [ Postgraduate ] CR7559 Module
Crime and Organisations [ Year 3 ] CR3504 Module
Crime and Penal Policy [ Postgraduate ] CR7555 Module
Crime and the Media [ Year 2 ] CR2010 Module
Crime in Context (Module 11) [ Year 2 ] CR2511 Module
Crime Justice and Psychology [ Postgraduate ] CR7124 Module
Crime Prevention (Module 5) [ Year 1 ] CR2514 Module
Crime Prevention and Community Safety CR7150 Module
Crime Reduction and Community Safety [ Postgraduate ] CR7300 Module
Crime, Law and Justice [ Year 3 ] CR3003 Module
Crime, Technology and Social Control [ Year 3 ] CR3004 Module
Crimes of the Powerful CR3006 Module
Criminal Justice Professions: Policy and Practice CR7145 Module
Criminological Research Methods CR7146 Module
Criminological Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] CR7135 Module
Criminology & Criminal Justice, Community Safety and Police Leadership & Management SC0002 Module
Criminology: Your 3rd Year CRX014 Module
Critical Policing Issues CR7156 Module
Cultures of Crime [ Year 3 ] CR3011 Module
Current Issues in Clinical Criminology [ Postgraduate ] CR7005 Module
Current Issues in Forensic Science and Justice [ Postgraduate ] CR7006 Module
Cybercrime CR7722 Module
Developing Skills for Managing Security (Module 12) [ Year 2 ] CR1514 Module
Dissertation CR7718 Module
Dissertation CR7725 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] CR7521 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] CR7021 Module
Dissertation [ Year 3 ] CR3008 Module
Dissertation Module [ Year 3 ] CR3514 Module
Dissertation Workshop SCX021 Module
Domestic and Sexual Violence CR7148 Module
Drugs and Crime [ Postgraduate ] CR7045 Module
Drugs, Crime and Society [ Year 2 ] CR2012 Module
Experiencing the Criminal Justice System [ Year 2 ] CR2015 Module
Exploring and Understanding Risk and Security CR7719 Module
Exploring Risk CR7713 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management FDSCSSC Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 10) FDSCSSCMOD10 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 11) FDSCSSCMOD11 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 12) FDSCSSCMOD12 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 2) FDSCSSCMOD2 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 3) FDSCSSCMOD3 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 4) FDSCSSCMOD4 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 5) FDSCSSCMOD5 Module
FdA Security and Risk Management (Mod 7) FDSCSSCMOD7 Module
Fear of Crime CR7160 Module
Forensic and Legal Psychology CR7143 Module
Gender and Crime in a Globalised World CR7035 Module
Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice CR3014 Module
Global Security and Policing [ Postgraduate ] CR7126 Module
Hate Crime [ Year 3 ] CR3010 Module
Hate, Extremism and 'Everyday' Prejudice CR7154 Module
Human Rights, Justice and Security [ Postgraduate ] CR7585 Module
Information Technology and Security (Module 6) [ Year 1 ] CR2513 Module
International Security Risks [ Postgraduate ] CR7586 Module
Introduction to Forensic Psychology CR1011 Module
Introduction to Research Methods (Module 7) [ Year 2 ] CR2515 Module
Introduction to Security and Risk (Module 1) [ Year 1 ] CR1511 Module
Issues in Community Safety [ Postgraduate ] CR7705 Module
Issues in Criminal Justice [ Postgraduate ] CR7554 Module
Law, Procedures and Security Management [ Postgraduate ] CR7562 Module
Leadership and management CR7717 Module
Leadership and Management [ Postgraduate ] CR7563 Module
Leadership and Management [ Postgraduate ] CR7706 Module
Managing Risk and Security [ Postgraduate ] CR7561 Module
Managing Security and Risk in Healthcare Settings [ Year 2 ] CR2517 Module
Managing Security in the Workplace CR7720 Module
Managing Security in the Workplace CR7714 Module
Managing Security in the Workplace (Module 10) [ Year 2 ] CR1516 Module
Managing Security in the Workplace [ Postgraduate ] CR7564 Module
Maritime Security: Crimes, Risks and Regulation [ Year 3 ] CR3515 Module
Media and Crime [ Postgraduate ] CR7470 Module
Mental Disorder and Crime CR7137 Module
MSc Security and Risk Management PO7063 Course
MSc Security and Risk Management - Research Methods in the Study of Security and Risk Management module PO7063_DRM Module
MSc Security and Risk Management, Crime and Crime Prevention PO7063_DCCP Module
MSc Security and Risk Management, Module 2: Managing Security in the Workplace PO7063_DMOD2 Module
MSc Security and Risk Management, Module 6: Leadership and Management PO7063_DMOD6 Module
MSc Security and Risk Management: Dissertation module PO7063_DD Module
MSc Security and Risk Management: Mod 5: Law, Procedures and Security Management PO7063_DMOD5 Module
MSc Security and Risk Management: Module 4: Managing Risk and Security PO7063_DMOD4 Module
MSc/PgD/PgC Criminology & Criminal Justice, Community Safety and Police Leadership & Management (Dissertation module) SC0002DI Module
MSc/PgD/PgC Criminology & Criminal Justice, Community Safety and Police Leadership & Management (Issues in Criminal Justice module) SC0002CJ Module
MSc/PgD/PgC Criminology & Criminal Justice, Community Safety and Police Leadership & Management (Research Methods) SC0002RM Module
Penology [ Postgraduate ] CR7004 Module
Placement [ Postgraduate ] CR7104 Module
Placement and Practice-based Research Project CR7157 Module
Police Leadership in the 21st Century [ Postgraduate ] CR7707 Module
Policing [ Year 2 ] CR2001 Module
Policing and Crime Prevention [ Postgraduate ] CR7553 Module
Policing Diversity [ Postgraduate ] CR7700 Module
Post-Conflict Rule of Law and Security [ Postgraduate ] CR7582 Module
Power Crime and Criminal Justice CR7138 Module
Power Crime and Criminal Justice CR7036 Module
Preparing for your placement module CR7159 Module
Professional Studies in Security and Risk Management [ Year 3 ] CR3502 Module
Psychology and Crime [ Year 2 ] CR2009 Module
Psychology of Evil [ Postgraduate ] CR7128 Module
Racism, Crime and Disorder [ Postgraduate ] CR7028 Module
Regulation of Sex Work CR7155 Module
Regulation, Standards and Governance CR7715 Module
Research Design (Module 8) [ Year 2 ] CR2516 Module
Research Methods CR7716 Module
Research Methods 1 CR7721 Module
Research Methods 2 CR7723 Module
Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] CR7565 Module
Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] CR7702 Module
Research Methods [ Year 3 ] CR3501 Module
Researching Security, Conflict and International Development [ Postgraduate ] CR7583 Module
Responding to Terrorism CR7141 Module
Rethinking Punishment and Rehabilitation CR7147 Module
Risk and Global Security [ Year 3 ] CR3503 Module
Risk Management [ Postgraduate ] CR7033 Module
Safety, Security and Crime (Module 4) [ Year 1 ] CR1515 Module
Security Management and Business Continuity (Module 9) [ Year 2 ] CR2512 Module
Security Sector Reform [ Postgraduate ] CR7584 Module
Sexual Violence [ Postgraduate ] CR7099 Module
Surveillance and Society [ Postgraduate ] CR7133 Module
Terrorism CR7724 Module
Terrorism [ Year 3 ] CR3012 Module
Terrorism I: Understanding Terrorism [ Postgraduate ] CR7131 Module
Terrorism II: Responding to Terrorism [ Postgraduate ] CR7132 Module
Theories of Crime and Deviance [ Postgraduate ] CR7550 Module
Theorising Crime and Deviance CR7144 Module
Theorizing Global Security Risk & Policing CR7149 Module
Transnational Policing [ Postgraduate ] CR7134 Module
Understanding Crime [ Postgraduate ] CR7102 Module
Understanding Leadership and Management (Module 3) [ Year 1 ] CR1513 Module
Understanding Loss Prevention [ Year 2 ] CR2519 Module
Understanding Risk and Security (Module 2) [ Year 1 ] CR1512 Module
Understanding Security and Risk CR7712 Module
Understanding Terrorism CR7140 Module
Victimology CR7152 Module
Working in Criminal Justice [ Year 2 ] CR2014 Module
Your First Year CRX012 Module
Youth Crime and Justice [ Year 2 ] CR2007 Module

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