Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Critical Inquiry Into Consultancy [ Postgraduate ] MN7311 Module
Academic Skills and Knowledge (MBA) MN7206 Module
Accountability and Financial Analysis [ Year 4 ] MN4502 Module
Accountability, Representation and Control [ Postgraduate ] MN7566 Module
Accounting for Managers [ Postgraduate ] MN7516 Module
Accounting for Managers [ Postgraduate ] MN7006 Module
Advanced Applied Quantitative Methods in Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7038 Module
Alternative Economies MN7625 Module
Alternative Economies [ Postgraduate ] MN7314 Module
Alternative Economies [ Postgraduate ] MN7579 Module
ASK MN7600 Module
Benchmarking [ Postgraduate ] MN7533 Module
Branding & Communication [ Postgraduate ] MN7285 Module
Branding & Communications [ Postgraduate ] MN7547 Module
Branding and Communications MN7585 Module
Branding and Communications MN7622 Module
Branding and Communications (Elective) [ Postgraduate ] MN7572 Module
Business Ethics in a Global Context [ Postgraduate ] MN7506 Module
Business Ethics in a Global Context [ Postgraduate ] MN7205 Module
Business Partnering MN7001 Module
Business-to-Business Marketing & Supply Chain Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7303 Module
Business-to-Business Marketing and Supply Chain Management MN7621 Module
Commercial Law [ Postgraduate ] MN7591 Module
Comparative Industrial Relations [ Postgraduate ] MN7363 Module
Consumer Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] MN7283 Module
Consumer Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] MN7548 Module
Consumption, Society and Culture [ Postgraduate ] MN7318 Module
Consumption, Society and Culture [ Postgraduate ] MN7580 Module
Corporate Finance (MBA) [ Postgraduate ] MN7204 Module
Corporate Finance (MSc Finance) [ Postgraduate ] MN7032 Module
Corporate Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7532 Module
Corporate Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7559 Module
Corporate Governance [ Postgraduate ] MN7036 Module
Crisis/Management [ Year 2 ] MN2125 Module
Critical Approaches to HRM [ Postgraduate ] MN7313 Module
Critical Perspectives on Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7097 Module
Critical Perspectives on Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7567 Module
Cultural Intermediaries and Marketing as Practice MN7372 Module
Developing Public Policy DSTRSTR_DDPP Module
Developments in Business Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7351 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] MN7507 Module
Dissertation and Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] MN7004 Module
Dissertation and Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] MN7286 Module
Dissertation and Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] MN7098 Module
Dissertation and Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] MN7033 Module
Dissertation II [ Year 3 ] MN3103 Module
Doing Qualitative Research: Analysing Qualitative Data [ Year 3 ] MN3124 Module
E-Learning MN3513 Module
Employee Relations MN7626 Module
Employee Relations [ Postgraduate ] MN7583 Module
Equality and Diversity MN3515 Module
Ethical Foundations of International Marketing MN7008 Module
Finance and Society [ Postgraduate ] MN7361 Module
Financial Analysis and Investment MN7023 Module
Financial Management [ Year 2 ] MN2101 Module
Financial Modelling [ Postgraduate ] MN7542 Module
Financial Option Pricing [ Postgraduate ] MN7354 Module
Financial Reporting and Analysis MN2135 Module
Financial Risk Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7027 Module
Financial Risk Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7527 Module
Financial Statements: Theory, Practice & Critique [ Postgraduate ] MN7540 Module
Foundations of Financial Analysis and Investment [ Postgraduate ] MN7561 Module
Foundations of Knowledge MN7500 Module
Foundations of Knowledge & Professional Skills (MBA) [ Postgraduate ] MN7200 Module
Foundations of Knowledge & Professional Skills (MSc Finance) [ Postgraduate ] MN7240 Module
Foundations of Knowledge & Professional Skills (MSc Management) [ Postgraduate ] MN7260 Module
Foundations of Knowledge & Professional Skills (MSc Marketing) [ Postgraduate ] MN7280 Module
Foundations of Knowledge and Professional Skills (MSc Finance) [ Postgraduate ] MN7560 Module
Foundations of Knowledge and Professional Skills (MSc Management) [ Postgraduate ] MN7562 Module
Foundations of Knowledge and Professional Skills (MSc Marketing) [ Postgraduate ] MN7569 Module
Foundations of Management [ Year 4 ] MN4500 Module
Gender, Work and Society MNX124_GWS Module
Global Branding (Theory and Practice) [ Year 2 ] MN2118 Module
Globalisation, Work, Employment and HRD MNX124_GWEHRD Module
High Performance Work Practices MN3508 Module
Industrial Relations MNX124_IR Module
Innovation for Managers [ Postgraduate ] MN7588 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 1 (MBA) [ Postgraduate ] MN7504 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 1 (MSc Finance) [ Postgraduate ] MN7601 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 1 (MSc Marketing) [ Postgraduate ] MN7603 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 2 (MBA) [ Postgraduate ] MN7509 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 2 (MSc Finance) [ Postgraduate ] MN7602 Module
Integrated Case Study Exam 2 (MSc Marketing) [ Postgraduate ] MN7604 Module
International Finance & Globalisation [ Postgraduate ] MN7242 Module
International Finance [ Year 2 ] MN2114 Module
International Finance and Globalisation MN7623 Module
International Finance and Globalisation [ Postgraduate ] MN7574 Module
International Marketing [ Postgraduate ] MN7331 Module
International Marketing Communications [ Year 2 ] MN2112 Module
International Organisational Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] MN7521 Module
Investment and Portfolio Analysis [ Postgraduate ] MN7353 Module
Knowledge Management MN7624 Module
Knowledge Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7576 Module
Knowledge Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7304 Module
Labour Market Themes, Issues and Controversies MN3516 Module
Leadership MN7627 Module
Leadership [ Postgraduate ] MN7584 Module
Management Doctorate - Module 8 (Thesis proposal) DSTRSTR_DMOD_8 Module
Management Doctorate Mod 1 DSTRSTR_DMOD1 Module
Management Doctorate Mod 2 DSTRSTR_DMOD2 Module
Management Doctorate Mod 3 DSTRSTR_DMOD3 Module
Management Doctorate Mod 4 DSTRSTR_DMOD4 Module
Management in a Global Context [ Postgraduate ] MN7568 Module
Management in a Global Context [ Postgraduate ] MN7264 Module
Management Tutorials MN1015 Module
Management, People and Organisation [ Year 4 ] MN4504 Module
Managing Diversity [ Postgraduate ] MN7306 Module
Managing Information: Technology & Systems [ Postgraduate ] MN7019 Module
Managing Information: Technology & Systems [ Postgraduate ] MN7510 Module
Managing Information: Technology and Systems MN7619 Module
Managing Information: Technology and Systems MBMNSMN_MN7019 Module
Managing Research [ Year 2 ] MN2122 Module
Market Research [ Postgraduate ] MN7284 Module
Marketing Management [ Year 4 ] MN4505 Module
Marketing of Services [ Postgraduate ] MN7525 Module
Marketing of Services [ Postgraduate ] MN7316 Module
Marketing Research [ Postgraduate ] MN7549 Module
Marketing Theory (Collaborative Programmes) [ Postgraduate ] MN7359 Module
Marketing Theory [ Postgraduate ] MN7570 Module
Marketing Theory [ Postgraduate ] MN7282 Module
Marketing, Design & Operations [ Postgraduate ] MN7201 Module
Marketing, Design & Operations [ Postgraduate ] MN7557 Module
Masters in Research - Mod 1 MRLMSLMMOD1 Module
Masters in Research - Mod 2 MRLMSLMMOD2 Module
Masters in Research - Mod 3 MRLMSLMMOD3 Module
MBA Summer School MN8050 Module
MN3169 Emerging Technologies and Changing Workplace MN3169 Module
MN7358 MN7358 Module
MN7593 MN7593 Module
MN7900 MN7900 Module
MN7901 MN7901 Module
National Educational and Training Systems DSTRSTR_DNETS Module
Operations Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7590 Module
Organisational Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] MN7501 Module
Organisational Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] MN7203 Module
Organisational Behaviour and Employee Development MN3514 Module
Organisational Change [ Year 2 ] MN2113 Module
Organizational Analysis MN7389 Module
Organizational Analysis [ Postgraduate ] MN7081 Module
Organizational Analysis [ Postgraduate ] MN7565 Module
PAL Reading List ULSB MNX044 Module
Performance Measurement: Quantitative Approaches [ Postgraduate ] MN7536 Module
Performance Measurement: Quantitative Approaches [ Postgraduate ] MN7352 Module
Personal and Research Skills for HR Practitioners MN7370 Module
Principles & Practice of Marketing (Collaborative Programmes) [ Postgraduate ] MN7360 Module
Principles & Practices of Marketing (MSc Management) [ Postgraduate ] MN7261 Module
Principles & Practices of Marketing (MSc Marketing) [ Postgraduate ] MN7281 Module
Principles & Practices of Marketing [ Postgraduate ] MN7546 Module
Principles and Practises of Marketing (MSc Management) [ Postgraduate ] MN7563 Module
Principles of Marketing 7010 Module
Product Policy & Innovation [ Postgraduate ] MN7550 Module
Product Policy & Innovation [ Postgraduate ] MN7317 Module
Professional Diploma in Management MNX003 Course
Professional Management Project [ Year 4 ] MN4507 Module
Project Management for IT [ Postgraduate ] MN7573 Module
Public Finance MN7620 Module
Public Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7028 Module
Public Finance [ Postgraduate ] MN7512 Module
Public Policy MN7373 Module
Quantitative Analysis for Management [ Year 4 ] MN4506 Module
Quantitative Marketing Intelligence [ Postgraduate ] MN7356 Module
Research Methods MNX026 Module
Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] MN7508 Module
Research Methods [ Year 2 ] MN2103 Module
Research Methods and Dissertation MN7599 Module
Retail Marketing [ Postgraduate ] MN7530 Module
Risk, Crisis and Disaster Management - Crises and Disasters MNX041MOD4 Module
Social Science Research 1: Doing a PhD [ Doctorate ] MN8001 Module
Social Science Research 2: Research Philosophy [ Doctorate ] MN8002 Module
Social Science Research 3: Quantitative Research and Analysis [ Doctorate ] MN8003 Module
Social Science Research 4: Qualitative Research and Analysis [ Doctorate ] MN8004 Module
Stock Market Analysis and Equity Valuation [ Year 2 ] MN2117 Module
Strategic Financial Management MN7598 Module
Strategic Financial Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7025 Module
Strategic Financial Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7541 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management MN7629 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7834 Module
Strategic Thinking and Implementation [ Year 4 ] MN4503 Module
Strategies for Creative Marketing and Innovation MN7017 Module
Strategies for International Marketing MN7009 Module
Strategy - ERASMUS MN3100_ERASMUS Module
Strategy Business Information and Analysis [ Postgraduate ] MN7558 Module
Strategy, Business Information and Analysis [ Postgraduate ] MN7202 Module
Strategy: Contemporary Issues and Critical Debates [ Postgraduate ] MN7589 Module
The Business Environment [ Postgraduate ] MN7564 Module
The Business Environment [ Postgraduate ] MN7263 Module
The Business Environment for Economics [ Year 2 ] MN2123 Module
The Management Environment [ Year 4 ] MN4501 Module
Total Quality Management MN7628 Module
Total Quality Management [ Postgraduate ] MN7822 Module
Understanding Modern Capitalism [ Postgraduate ] MN7592 Module
Understanding Modern Capitalism [ Postgraduate ] MN7364 Module
Work and Society LM2598 Module
Workplace Learning MNX124_WL Module

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