Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Abnormal Psychology and Individual Differences PS7504 Module
Abnormal Psychology and Individual Differences [ Year 2 ] PS2005 Module
Abnormal Psychology and Individual Differences Library Module [ Year 2 ] PS2015 Module
Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 1 [ Postgraduate ] PS7086 Module
Advanced Research Methods in Psychology 2 [ Postgraduate ] PS7089 Module
Advanced Statistical Methods for Psychology [ Postgraduate ] PS7087 Module
Application of Occupational Psychology PS7589 Module
Applied Human Behaviour PS7404 Module
Applied Psychology [ Year 1 ] PS1009 Module
Applied Psychology Library Module PS2024 Module
Applied Psychology Practical (B) PS2025 Module
Approaches to Psychology 1A [ Year 1 ] PS1012 Module
Approaches to Psychology 1B [ Year 1 ] PS1014 Module
Assessment & Treatment of Criminal Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] PS7230 Module
Behavioural Neuroscience [ Year 3 ] PS3010 Module
Biological Psychology (DL) PS7506 Module
Biological Psychology [ Year 2 ] PS2014 Module
Biological Psychology Library Module [ Year 2 ] PS2018 Module
Brain and Behaviour PS7402 Module
Brain and Cognition [ Year 3 ] PS3002 Module
Child Forensic Psychology [ Year 3 ] PS3025 Module
Clinical Psychology [ Year 3 ] PS3013 Module
Cognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology [ Year 3 ] PS3019 Module
Cognitive Neuroscience Library Module [ Year 2 ] PS2020 Module
Cognitive Psychology [ Year 2 ] PS2011 Module
Cognitive Psychology Library Module [ Year 2 ] PS2016 Module
Cooperation, Conflict and Social Dilemmas [ Year 3 ] PS3006 Module
Dissertation PS7409 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] PS7567 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] PS7576 Module
Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] PS7270 Module
Doctor of Clinical Psychology DCPSSPS Course
Empirical Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] PS7575 Module
Empirical Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] PS7568 Module
Ergonomics [ Postgraduate ] PS7570 Module
Evaluating Psychological Research [ Postgraduate ] PS7090 Module
Evolution, Cognition & Behaviour [ Year 3 ] PS3026 Module
Exploring Mental Processes PS7403 Module
Forensic Psychology Practice [ Postgraduate ] PS7222 Module
Historical and Conceptual Themes PS7401 Module
Individual at Work (Oct 12) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT12_IAW Module
Individual at Work (Oct 13) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT13_IAW Module
Individual Differences PS7406 Module
Individual Differences [ Year 3 ] PS3020 Module
Introduction to Perception and Cognition [ Year 1 ] PS1010 Module
Introductory Psychology 2 [ Year 1 ] PS1003 Module
Introductory Psychology I [ Year 1 ] PS1000 Module
Investigating Psychology PS7408 Module
Judgment and Decision Making PS3028 Module
Leadership, Engagement and Motivation PS7590 Module
Learning Training and Development PS7586 Module
Legal Psychology [ Postgraduate ] PS7200 Module
Legal Psychology [ Year 3 ] PS3007 Module
Lifespan Development PS7405 Module
Lifespan Development PS7556 Module
Management and Treatment of Offenders [ Postgraduate ] PS7565 Module
Managing and Presenting Psychological Research [ Postgraduate ] PS7088 Module
Mental Health and The Community [ Postgraduate ] PS7510 Module
Mental Health and the Community [ Postgraduate ] PS7264 Module
MSc in Occupational Psychology & Psychology of Work MSPSSOCDS Course
Personnel Selection and Assessment [ Postgraduate ] PS7569 Module
Placement Assignments [ Postgraduate ] PS7260 Module
Professional Psychology PS7407 Module
Professional Skills [ Postgraduate ] PS7091 Module
PS7550: Historical and Conceptual Themes in Psychology PS7550 Module
PS7551 Investigating Psychology PS7551 Module
PS7552 Brain and Behaviour PS7552 Module
PS7553 Exploring Mental Processes PS7553 Module
PS7554 Individual Differences PS7554 Module
PS7555 Applied Human Behaviour PS7555 Module
PS7557 Professional Psychology PS7557 Module
PS7585 Research Methods MSc Occupational Psychology (DL) PSX7574 Module
PS7586 Learning, Training & Development MSc Occupational Psychology PSX7572 Module
PS7592 Dissertation - Literature Review PS7592 Module
PS7593 Empirical Dissertation PS7593 Module
PS7603: MRes project PS7603 Module
PSX023 PSX023 Module
Psychological Assessment at Work MSc Occupational Psychology PS7587 Module
Psychology & the Courts [ Postgraduate ] PS7220 Module
Psychology across the lifespan PS3033 Module
Psychology and Investigation [ Postgraduate ] PS7563 Module
Psychology Dissertation PS3030 Module
Psychology Dissertation 1 [ Year 3 ] PS3003 Module
Psychology Dissertation 2 [ Year 3 ] PS3008 Module
Psychology of Criminal Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] PS7221 Module
Psychology of Criminal Behaviour [ Postgraduate ] PS7562 Module
Psychology of Love and Attraction [ Year 3 ] PS3009 Module
Psychology Practical 1 [ Year 1 ] PS1001 Module
Psychology Practical 2 [ Year 1 ] PS1004 Module
Psychology Project [ Year 3 ] PS3001 Module
Psychology Skills [ Year 1 ] PS1016 Module
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience Dissertation [ Year 3 ] PS3015 Module
Psychology with Cognitive Neuroscience Practical (B) [ Year 2 ] PS2022 Module
Psychology, the Legal System and Criminology [ Postgraduate ] PS7561 Module
Quantitative Behavioural Genetics and Developmental Psychopathology [ Year 3 ] PS3027 Module
Research Methods [ Postgraduate ] PS7210 Module
Research Methods and Applications in the Neurosciences [ Year 3 ] PS3023 Module
Research Methods in Forensic Psychology [ Postgraduate ] PS7566 Module
Research Methods in Occupational Psychology (Oct 13) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT13_RM Module
Research Methods in Occupational Psychology (Oct12) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT12_RM Module
Research Methods in Occupational Psychology [ Postgraduate ] PS7574 Module
Research Project [ Postgraduate ] PS7092 Module
Skills and Perspectives in Cognitive Neurosciences [ Year 3 ] PS3024 Module
Social and Developmental Psychology PS7507 Module
Social Behaviour and Development 2 [ Year 3 ] PS3000 Module
Social Behaviour and Development [ Year 2 ] PS2002 Module
Social Behaviour and Development Library Module [ Year 2 ] PS2017 Module
Specific Mental Health Problems of Childhood and Their Therapeutic Interventions [ Postgraduate ] PS7265 Module
Specific Mental Health Problems of Childhood and Their Therapeutic Interventions [ Postgraduate ] PS7511 Module
The Individual at Work [ Postgraduate ] PS7573 Module
The Psychology of Organising [ Postgraduate ] PS7571 Module
The Psychology of the Courtroom [ Postgraduate ] PS7564 Module
The Psychology of Training and Learning [ Postgraduate ] PS7572 Module
Training and Development (Oct 12) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT12_TD Module
Training and Development (Oct 13) MSPSSOCDS_DOCT13_TD Module
Visual Cognition [ Year 3 ] PS3022 Module
Wellbeing at Work PS7591 Module
Work Design, Organisational Change and Development PS7588 Module
Working Environment Psychology [ Year 3 ] PS3021 Module
Year 2 Practicals (Sem 1) [ Year 2 ] PS2021 Module
Year 2 Practicals (Sem 2) [ Year 2 ] PS2023 Module

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