Browse Department

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20th Century Jewish Literature: Loss, Exile, Memory [ Year 2 ] FR2041 Module
20th-Century French Literature [ Year 1 ] FR1014_2017-18 Module
A History of Spain [ Year 1 ] SP1051_2017-18 Module
Advanced English Text Analysis 1 ML2001_2017-18 Module
Advanced English Text Analysis 2 ML2002_2017-18 Module
Analysing Transnational and Intercultural Meaning: Images and Film / Language, Texts and Discourses ML7026 Module
Argentina: From Peron to Kirchner SP2025_2017-18 Module
Art and Society in Spain [ Year 3 ] SP3149 Module
Authors and Genres 1 [ Year 1 ] IT1026 Module
Authors and Genres 2 [ Year 1 ] IT1027_2017-18 Module
Bande dessinée FR2044_2017-18 Module
Bande Dessinée and Adaptation FR3210 Module
Basic Italian 1 [ Year 1 ] IT1024 Module
Basic Italian 2 [ Year 1 ] IT1025 Module
Catalan Language and Culture I [ Year 2 ] SP2032 Module
Catalan Language and Culture II [ Year 3 ] SP3151 Module
Challenging Perspectives: Conflict and Relations in French [ Year 2 ] FR2042_2017-18 Module
Cinematic Representations of Latin America : Local versus Global ML7020 Module
Civilisation Francaise [ Year 1 ] FR1015_2017-18 Module
Conference Interpreting ML3002 Module
Consecutive Interpreting ML2005_2017-18 Module
Contemporary Mexican Cinema [ Year 2 ] SP2035_2017-18 Module
Contemporary Spain [ Year 1 ] SP1026_2017-18 Module
Core Skills for Modern Language Students [ Year 1 ] IT1000 Module
Core Skills for Modern Language Students [ Year 1 ] FR1000_2017-18 Module
Core Skills for Modern Language Students [ Year 1 ] SP1000 Module
Core Skills for Modern Language Students [ Year 2 ] FR2000_2017-18 Module
Core Skills for Modern Language Students [ Year 2 ] SP2000 Module
Cultures within Cultures: Latino/a Caribbean Literature of the United States [ Year 3 ] SP3071 Module
Cultures within Cultures: Latino/a Carribbean Literature from the United States [ Year 2 ] SP2070_2017-18 Module
Current Issue in Translation Research and Practice [ Postgraduate ] ML7003 Module
Dissertation in French FR3176 Module
Dissertation in Italian [ Year 3 ] IT3176 Module
Dissertation in Spanish [ Year 3 ] SP3170 Module
Dissertation in Spanish [ Year 3 ] SP3176 Module
Dissertation in Spanish [ Year 3 ] SP3171 Module
Electronic Tools for Translators ML2004_2017-18 Module
English Text Analysis ML1003_2017-18 Module
European Texts in Translation 1 [ Year 2 ] SP2040 Module
European Texts in Translation 1 [ Year 2 ] IT2040 Module
European Texts in Translation 1 [ Year 2 ] FR2040_2017-18 Module
European Texts in Translation 1 [ Year 3 ] IT3040 Module
European Texts in Translation 2 [ Year 2 ] SP2050 Module
European Texts in Translation 2 [ Year 2 ] FR2050_2017-18 Module
European Texts in Translation 2 [ Year 2 ] IT2050 Module
European Texts in Translation 2 [ Year 3 ] IT3050 Module
Federico Garcia Lorca [ Year 2 ] SP2030_2017-18 Module
Figures of Alterity in the Nineteenth Century [ Year 3 ] FR3043 Module
Final Year Listening and Speaking [ Year 3 ] FR3110 Module
French Cinema [ Year 3 ] FR3128 Module
French for Medical Students [ Year 2 ] FR2009 Module
French Language (Beginners) 1 [ Year 1 ] FR1020_2017-18 Module
French Language (Beginners) 2 [ Year 1 ] FR1021_2017-18 Module
French Language Post-Beginners Year 2 [ Year 2 ] FR2018_2017-18 Module
Gender in the Spanish American Development Novel SP3161 Module
General Translation ML1005_2017-18 Module
Global Cultural Cities: The Visual Representation of Barcelona – Tourism, Football, Architecture, Festivals ML7021 Module
Global Media Events: Spectacles, Festivals and Conferences ML7019 Module
Global Online Communication: Self-Expression and Identity ML7010 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Key Themes FR3062 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Key Themes IT3062 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Key Themes SP3062 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Theories SP3061 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Theories FR3061 Module
Globalisation, Culture and Communication: Theories IT3061 Module
History & Culture in 20th Century Italy [ Year 2 ] IT2007 Module
History of Italian Cinema [ Year 2 ] IT2012_2017-18 Module
Intercultural Rhetoric, Translation and Mediation: Promotional, Educational, and Public Communication ML7012 Module
International Communication and Cultures Research Dissertation ML7027 Module
Interpreting 2 ML7032 Module
Interpreting French [ Year 2 ] FR2003_2017-18 Module
Introduction to French Cinema [ Year 2 ] FR2023_2017-18 Module
Introduction to French linguistics [ Year 2 ] FR2032_2017-18 Module
Introduction to Interpreting ML1001_2017-18 Module
Introduction to Post-Unification Italy (20 credits) [ Year 1 ] IT1038 Module
Introduction to Post-Unification Italy [ Year 1 ] IT1028_2017-18 Module
Introduction to Translating ML1002_2017-18 Module
Introduction to Translation Studies ML1004_2017-18 Module
Italian Language (Beginners) 1 [ Year 1 ] IT1020_2017-18 Module
Italian Language 3 [ Year 2 ] IT2000_2017-18 Module
Italian Language 5 [ Year 3 ] IT3100 Module
Italian Language 6 [ Year 3 ] IT3106 Module
Italian Language Listening and Speaking Final Year IT3009 Module
Italian Linguistics IT2011_2017-18 Module
Italian Society and Culture under Fascism [ Year 2 ] IT2016_2017-18 Module
Italian Women's Writing [ Year 4 ] IT3137 Module
Italy since 1945 (20 credits) [ Year 1 ] IT1039 Module
Italy since 1945 [ Year 1 ] IT1029_2017-18 Module
Italy Through Cinema [ Year 1 ] IT1030 Module
Language and Cultures in the Francophone World FR2027 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] FR3085 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] FR3088 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] IT3088 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] SP3085 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] SP3088 Module
Language Skills 1 (Written) [ Year 3 ] IT3085 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] FR3099 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] IT3095 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] IT3099 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] SP3099 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] FR3095 Module
Language Skills 2 (oral/aural) [ Year 3 ] SP3095 Module
Languages in the Classroom FR2060_2017-18 Module
Latin (ab initio) [ Postgraduate ] ML7022 Module
Latin American Literature and Film [ Year 1 ] SP1031_2017-18 Module
Latin American Society and Culture: Mexico and Mesoamerica [ Year 1 ] SP1027_2017-18 Module
Latin American Society and Culture: South America [ Year 1 ] SP1029_2017-18 Module
MA Translation Dissertation [ Postgraduate ] ML7005 Module
MA Translation Studies Option [ Postgraduate ] ML7004 Module
Mediating Distant Suffering: Pity, Trauma and Victimhood in a Transnational Context ML7017 Module
Memory Beyond Borders: The Transnational Politics of Memory and Remembering ML7016 Module
MLSC Virtual Guide MLX006 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature 1 (Erasmus) SP3065 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature 1 [ Year 3 ] IT3060 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature 2 [ Year 3 ] IT3070 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature I [ Year 3 ] FR3060 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature I [ Year 3 ] SP3070 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature I [ Year 3 ] SP3060 Module
Modern & Postmodern in World Literature I [ Year 3 ] FR3070 Module
Modern French Language (Advanced) 1 [ Year 1 ] FR1010_2017-18 Module
Modern French Languages (Post-Advanced) [ Year 2 ] FR2010_2017-18 Module
Negotiation in International Contexts: The Use of Language across Cultures ML7015 Module
PGCE Modern Languages EDX013 Module
Places in Latin America SP2038 Module
Politics, Technology, and Ecology in Francophone Culture FR2030 Module
Practical Translation ML2003_2017-18 Module
Reinventing the Past: The French Historical Novel in the 19th and 20th Century [ Year 3 ] FR3045 Module
Representing Intercultural Meaning : Film Festival (biennial structure) ML7024 Module
Representing Intercultural Meaning: Exhibition Project ML7009 Module
Representing Intercultural Meaning: Film Project ML7011 Module
Research Skills and Methods in Translation Studies 1 [ Postgraduate ] ML7002 Module
Research Skills and Methods in Translation Studies 2 [ Postgraduate ] ML7006 Module
Salvador Dalí's Art and Writing [ Year 3 ] SP3175 Module
South American Narratives of Dictatorship & Exile [ Year 2 ] SP2071 Module
Spanish for Medical Students [ Year 2 ] SP2009 Module
Spanish Language (Beginners) 1 [ Year 1 ] SP1020_2017-18 Module
Spanish Language (Post-Advanced) 3/4 (Year long) [ Year 2 ] SP2010_2017-18 Module
Spanish Language 1 Advanced (year long) [ Year 1 ] SP1010_2017-18 Module
Spanish Language 5 [ Year 3 ] SP3110 Module
Spanish Language 5/6 (Oral/Aural Skills) [ Year 3 ] SP3005 Module
Spanish Language Advanced 3/4 (Year long) [ Year 2 ] SP2005_2017-18 Module
Spanish Literature and Film [ Year 1 ] SP1041_2017-18 Module
Study Abroad (1 Semester) [ Year 3 ] FR3033 Module
Study Abroad (1 semester) [ Year 3 ] IT3033 Module
Study Abroad (1 Semester) [ Year 3 ] SP3033 Module
Study Abroad (1 year) [ Year 3 ] FR3066 Module
Study Abroad (1 Year) [ Year 3 ] SP3066 Module
Study Abroad (1 year) [ Year 3 ] IT3066 Module
Textual Analysis [ Year 1 ] FR1012_2017-18 Module
Textual Analysis [ Year 3 ] FR3107 Module
The Cinema of Luis Buñuel [ Year 3 ] SP3145 Module
The Development of Translation Studies [ Postgraduate ] ML7001 Module
The Mexican-U.S. Border: History and Culture [ Year 3 ] SP3022 Module
The Mexican-US Border: History and Culture [ Year 2 ] SP2022_2017-18 Module
The novela de la selva SP3139 Module
The Spanish Civil War in Literature and Film [ Year 2 ] SP2023_2017-18 Module
The Spanish Picaresque Novel [ Year 3 ] SP3132 Module
The Spanish Silver Age SP2042_2017-18 Module
Theories of Culture and Communication ML7013 Module
Transcultural & Transnational Aesthetic Practices: Cinema, Magazines, Fashion and Museums ML7014 Module
Translating Different Genres ML7030 Module
Translation Studies ML2006_2017-18 Module
Translation Studies Option 1 ML7007 Module
Translation Studies Option 2 ML7008 Module
Transnational Flows, Mediascapes and Global Meaning-Making in Intercultural Contexts ML7025 Module
Understanding Contemporary France 1 [ Year 1 ] FR1017_2017-18 Module
Understanding Contemporary France [ Year 1 ] FR1018_2017-18 Module
Understanding Multilingual Contexts: Ethnic Minorities and the Glocal Level ML7023 Module
Work Placement Report (1 semester) [ Year 3 ] IT3022 Module
Work Placement Report (1 Semester) [ Year 3 ] SP3023 Module
Work Placement Report (1 semester) [ Year 3 ] FR3022 Module
Work Placement Report (year long) [ Year 3 ] FR3044 Module
Work Placement Report (year long) [ Year 3 ] IT3044 Module
Work Placement Report (year long) [ Year 3 ] SP3046 Module
Work Placement Report Spanish (for Joint Spanish & English studnents, whole year split between SP3025 and EN3025) [ Year 3 ] SP3025 Module
World Literature: Narratives, Genres and Networks ML7018 Module

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