Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced C++ Programming CO4203_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Advanced C++ Programming CO4203 Module
Advanced C++ Programming CO4105_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Advanced C++ Programming CO4105 Module
Advanced System Design CO4205 Module
Advanced System Design CO4205_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Advanced Web Technologies CO4215_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Advanced Web Technologies CO4215 Module
Agile Cloud Automation CO4217 Module
Agile Cloud Automation CO4217_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Algorithms for Bioinformatics CO420 Module
Algorithms for Bioinformatics CO4200_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Algorithms, Data Structures and Advanced Programming CO1107 Module
Algorithms, Data Structures and Advanced Programming CO1107_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Algorithms, Data Structures and Advanced Programming (DLI) CO1107_DLI Module
Analysis and Design of Algorithms CO3002_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Analysis and Design of Algorithms CO3002 Module
Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems CO3106 Module
Big Data and Predictive Analytics CO7093 Module
Big Data and Predictive Analytics CO3093_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Big Data and Predictive Analytics CO3093 Module
Business and Financial Computing CO1109 Module
Business and Financial Computing CO1109_2019-20_SEM2 Module
C++ Programming CO3105 Module
C++ Programming CO3105_2019-20_SEM1 Module
CO0007 Creative Thinking CO0007 Module
CO1016 Computer Systems 2018-19 SEM1 CO1016_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1101 Computing Fundamentals 2018-19 SEM1 CO1101_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1102 Programming fundamentals 2018-19 SEM1 CO1102_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1103 Mathematics Fundamentals 2018-19 SEM1 CO1103_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1104 Computer Architecture 2018-19 SEM1 CO1104_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1105 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming 2018-19 SEM2 CO1105_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO1106 Requirements Engineering and Professional Practice 2018-19 SEM2 CO1106_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO1107 Algorithms, Data Structures and Advanced Programming 2018-19 SEM2 CO1107_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO1108 Foundations of Computation 2018-19 SEM2 CO1108_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO1109 Business and Financial Computing 2018-19 SEM2 CO1109_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO1109-DLI Business and Financial Computing CO1109_DLI Module
CO1904 Computer Architecture 2018-19 SEM1 CO1904_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO1909 Business & Financial Computing 2018-19 SEM2 CO1909_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2001 User Interfaces and HCI 2018-19 SEM1 CO2001_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO2002 Financial and Business Computing 2018-19 SEM2 CO2002_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2006 Software Engineering and System Development 2018-19 SEM1 CO2006_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO2008 Functional Programming 2018-19 SEM2 CO2008_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2011 Automata, Languages and Computation 2018-19 SEM1 CO2011_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO2012 Software Project Management and Professionalism 2018-19 SEM1 CO2012_2018-19_SEM1 Module
CO2015 Software Engineering Project 2018-19 SEM2 CO2015_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2016 Multimedia and Computer Graphics 2018-19 SEM2 CO2016_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2017 Operating Systems, Networks and Distributed Systems 2018-19 SEM2 CO2017_2018-19_SEM2 Module
CO2302 Software Engineering Group Project CO2302 Module
CO3021 SE, CS Project CO3021 Module
CO3022 SE, CS Project CO3022 Module
CO3104 Computational Creativity CO3104 Module
CO3108 AI Technologies CO3108 Module
CO3111 Functional Programming CO3111 Module
CO3113 AI for Space CO3113 Module
CO7223 Interaction Design (ID) & User Experience (UX) CO7223 Module
CO7224 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing CO7224 Module
CO7225 Service Design CO7225 Module
Collaboration and Project Management CO2202 Module
Communication and Concurrency CO3007_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Compression Methods for Multimedia CO3096 Module
Compression Methods for Multimedia CO3096_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Computational Arts CO2110 Module
Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CO3091 Module
Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CO3091_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CO7091 Module
Computer Architecture CO1104_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Computer Architecture CO1104 Module
Computer Science Project CO3015_2019-20_Y Module
Computer Science Project CO3201 Module
Computer Science Semester Project CO3014_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Computer Science Semester Project CO3014_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Computers, Society & Professionalism CO3101 Module
Computing Fundamentals CO1101_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Computing Fundamentals CO1101 Module
Concurrent Design CO2108 Module
Concurrent Systems CO3007 Module
Creating Software Applications CO0001 Module
Creative Coding CO1115 Module
Creativity and Computing CO1111 Module
Creativity and Computing CO1111_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Data Analytics CO2106_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Data Analytics CO2106 Module
Databases and Domain Modelling CO2102_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Databases and Domain Modelling CO2102 Module
Developmental Computing CO2111 Module
Digital Arts Lab CO1110 Module
Digital Arts Lab CO1110_2019-20_Y Module
Discrete Event Systems CO4211_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Distributed Systems and Applications CO3090_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Distributed Systems and Applications CO3090 Module
Emerging Technologies CO3107 Module
Entertainment Design CO2112 Module
Entertainment Technology CO2113 Module
Entrepreneurial Project CO3202 Module
Financial Services Information Systems CO4218 Module
Financial Services Information Systems CO4218_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence CO2114 Module
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence CO2114_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foundations of Computation CO1108_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foundations of Computation CO1108 Module
Foundations of Cybersecurity CO3099_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foundations of Cybersecurity CO3099 Module
Functional Programming CO2107_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Functional Programming CO2107 Module
Game Theory CO4212 Module
Game Theory in Computer Science CO4212_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Games and Gamification CO1112_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Games and Gamification CO1112 Module
Generative Development CO3207 Module
Generative Development CO4207 Module
Generative Development CO4207_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Ideation and Design CO1113_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Ideation and Design CO1113 Module
Interaction Design (ID) & User Experience (UX) CO4223 Module
Internet and Cloud Computing CO4219 Module
Internet and Cloud Computing CO4219_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Internet and Cloud Computing CO3219 Module
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming CO1105_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming CO1105 Module
Introduction to Programming CO0005 Module
Mathematics Fundamentals CO1103_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Mathematics Fundamentals CO1103 Module
MComp Project CO4015_2019-20_Y Module
MComp Project CO4015 Module
Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing CO4224 Module
Mobile and Web Applications CO3102 Module
Operating Systems, Networks and Distributed Systems CO2101_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Operating Systems, Networks and Distributed Systems CO2101 Module
Personal and Group Skills CO4210 Module
Personal and Group Skills CO4210_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Personal and Group Skills CO4210_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Programming fundamentals CO1102_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Programming Fundamentals CO1102 Module
Project Management CO2301 Module
Requirements Engineering and Professional Practice CO1106 Module
Requirements Engineering and Professional Practice CO1106_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Research Methods and Theories in HCI CO7221 Module
SciArt and Big Data Analysis CO2109 Module
Semantic Web CO4216 Module
Semantic Web CO4216_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Service Design CO4225 Module
Service-Oriented Architectures CO4214_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Service-Oriented Architectures CO4214 Module
Software and Technology in Large Organisations CO2105_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Software and Technology in Large Organisations CO2105 Module
Software Architecture and System Development CO2103 Module
Software Architecture and System Development CO2123 Module
Software Architecture and System Development CO2103_2019-20_Y Module
Software Engineering Project CO2201 Module
Software Engineering Project CO2201_2019-20_Y Module
Software Measurement and Quality Assurance CO3095_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Software Measurement and Quality Assurance CO3095 Module
System Re-Engineering CO4206 Module
System Re-Engineering CO4206_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Technology and Innovation Management CO4103 Module
Technology Management CO3103 Module
User Interface Design and Evaluation CO2104 Module
User Interface Design and Evaluation CO2104_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Web Technologies CO3098_2019-20_SEM1 Module

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