Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Additional care requirements for mothers and newborn infants |
MW2015 |
Module |
Advanced Professional Development in Perioperative Practice |
OP3024 |
Module |
Advanced Professional Practice in Healthcare |
OP3004 |
Module |
Anatomy and physiology for midwifery practice |
MW1012_2020-21_Y |
Module |
Anatomy and Physiology for Midwifery Practice |
MW1012 |
Module |
Anatomy and physiology for nursing practice |
NU1012 |
Module |
Applied clinical skills in mental health nursing |
NU3018_2024-25_SEM2 |
Module |
Appraising the evidence in health care practice |
NU2016 |
Module |
Biological Sciences applied to Midwifery and Neonatal Care |
MW1002_SEM1_2018-19 |
Module |
Biological Sciences applied to Midwifery and Neonatal Care |
MW1002 |
Module |
Biological Sciences applied to Midwifery and Neonatal Care |
MW1002_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Biological Sciences Applied to Nursing |
NU1003 |
Module |
Biological Sciences Applied to Nursing |
NU1003_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Clinical Leadership 2 |
MW2006_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Clinical Leadership 2 |
MW2006 |
Module |
Clinical Leadership and Management |
OP3003 |
Module |
Clinical Skills 2: Developing Cardio-Respiratory Practice |
PH2002 |
Module |
Clinical Skills 2: Developing MSK Professional Practice |
PH2001 |
Module |
Clinical Skills 2: Developing Neurological Practice |
PH2003 |
Module |
Clinical Skills 3: Enhancing Practice |
PH3001 |
Module |
Clinical Skills Introducing Practice 2 |
PH1007 |
Module |
Clinical Skills: Appendicular Anatomy |
PH1001 |
Module |
Clinical Skills: Axial Anatomy |
PH1005 |
Module |
Clinical Skills: Introducing Practice 1 |
PH1003 |
Module |
Clinical Skills: Pathophysiology 1 |
PH1002 |
Module |
Clinical Skills: Pathophysiology 2 |
PH1006 |
Module |
Clinical Speciality Project |
OP3026 |
Module |
Compassionate and safe midwifery and neonatal care |
MW2002 |
Module |
Compassionate and safe midwifery and neonatal care |
MW2002_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Complex health and social challenges in midwifery and neonatal care |
MW2005_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Complex health and social challenges in midwifery and neonatal care |
MW2005 |
Module |
Contributing to care: Midwifery practice 2 |
MW2011 |
Module |
Contributing to care: Midwifery practice 2 |
MW2011_2020-21_Y |
Module |
Critical Care and Non-elective Practice |
OP2003 |
Module |
Developing care partnerships: Midwifery practice 3 |
MW3011 |
Module |
Developing evidence based practice |
NU3016 |
Module |
Development of Professional Practice in Healthcare |
OP2005 |
Module |
Dissertation/report applied to professional practice |
NU4010 |
Module |
Elective/Internship for Midwifery Practice |
MW3003 |
Module |
Elective/Internship for Nursing Practice |
NU3003 |
Module |
Emergencies in midwifery |
MW3014 |
Module |
Enhanced Perioperative Practice - Anaesthetics |
OP3023 |
Module |
Enhanced Perioperative Practice - Surgery |
OP3022 |
Module |
Enhanced Practice |
OP3001 |
Module |
Evidence Applied to Professional Practice |
NU4004 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 1 |
PH1008 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 1 |
NU1008_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 2 |
NU2006_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 2 |
PH2004 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 2 |
NU2006 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 3 |
NU3006 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice 3 |
PH3003 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice in the Perioperative Environment |
OP3025 |
Module |
Foundations of Anaesthetic Practice |
OP1003 |
Module |
Foundations of Clinical Leadership 1 |
MW1003 |
Module |
Foundations of Clinical Leadership 1 |
MW1003_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Foundations of Clinical Leadership 1 |
MW1003_SEM1_2018-19 |
Module |
Foundations of Nursing Practice |
NU1001_2019-20_Y |
Module |
Foundations of Nursing Practice |
NU1001 |
Module |
Foundations of Nursing Practice |
NU1001_Y_2018-19 |
Module |
Foundations of Nursing Practice |
NU1010 |
Module |
Foundations of Operating Department Practice |
OP1001_2021_22_Y |
Module |
Foundations of Operating Department Practice |
OP1001 |
Module |
Foundations of Professional Practice in Healthcare |
OP1005 |
Module |
Foundations of Surgical Practice |
OP1002 |
Module |
Full systematic physical examination of the newborn infant |
MW2014 |
Module |
Fundamental Knowledge and Skills for Mental Health Assessment and Practice |
NU2003 |
Module |
Fundamental Knowledge and Skills for Mental Health Assessment and Practice |
NU2003_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Fundamental Knowledge and Skills for Mental Health Assessment and Practice |
NU2013 |
Module |
Fundamentals of evidence based practice |
NU1018 |
Module |
Fundamentals of evidence based practice |
NU1018_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Adult Nursing |
NU2002 |
Module |
Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Adult Nursing |
NU2002_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Children's Nursing |
NU2202 |
Module |
Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Children's Nursing |
NU2202_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Holistic assessment and recognition of health and social care needs in adult nursing |
NU2012 |
Module |
Holistic assessment and recognition of health and social care needs in children's nursing |
NU2112 |
Module |
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Analysis of Movement |
PH0001_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
Leadership 3 |
MW3005 |
Module |
Leadership and Management in Perioperative Practice |
OP3021 |
Module |
Leading in organizations: Leadership 3 |
MW3015 |
Module |
Leading the management of change: Leadership 4 |
MW4013 |
Module |
Leading the self: Leadership 1 |
MW1013 |
Module |
Leading the self: Leadership 1 |
MW1013_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
Leading the team: Leadership 2 |
MW2016 |
Module |
Leading the team: Leadership 2 |
MW2016_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
Major Project |
OP3005 |
Module |
Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Adult Nursing |
NU3005 |
Module |
Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Children's Nursing |
NU3115 |
Module |
Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Children's Nursing |
NU3205 |
Module |
Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Mental Health |
NU4003 |
Module |
Management of complex and long-term conditions in mental health nursing |
NU4013 |
Module |
Management of long-term conditions in adult nursing |
NU3015 |
Module |
Maternal and neonatal emergencies |
MW3004 |
Module |
Media, Rights and Responsibilities |
MS3041 |
Module |
Mentoring in Perioperative Practice |
OP3020 |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 1 |
MW1001_2019-20_Y |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 1 |
MW1001_SEM1_2018-19 |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 1 |
MW1001 |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 2 |
MW2001_2019-20_Y |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 2 |
MW2001 |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 3 |
MW3001 |
Module |
Midwifery Practice 4 |
MW4001 |
Module |
MW1011 Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1 2021-22 Y |
MW1011_2021-22_Y |
Module |
MW1012 Anatomy and Physiology for Midwifery Practice 2021-22 Y |
MW1012_2021-22_Y |
Module |
MW1013 Leading the self: Leadership 1 2021-22 SEM1 |
MW1013_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
MW2011 Contributing to care: Midwifery practice 2 2021-22 Y |
MW2011_2021-22_Y |
Module |
MW2012 Promoting safe and effective midwifery care through continuity of care models 2021-22 SEM1 |
MW2012_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
MW2015 Additional care requirements for mothers and newborn infants |
MW2015_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
MW2015 Additional care requirements for mothers and newborn infants 2021-22 SEM2 |
MW2015_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
MW2016 Leading the team: Leadership 2 2021-22 SEM1 |
MW2016_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
MW3011 Developing care partnerships: Midwifery practice 3 2020-21 Y |
MW3011_2020-21_Y |
Module |
MW3011 Developing care partnerships: Midwifery practice 3 2021-22 Y |
MW3011_2021-22_Y |
Module |
MW3012 Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to midwifery practice 2020-21 SEM1 |
MW3012_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
MW3012 Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to midwifery practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
MW3012_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
MW3013 Professional Development: elective/internship in midwifery 2020-21 SEM2 |
MW3013_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
MW3014 Emergencies in Midwifery 2020-21 SEM2 |
MW3014_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
MW3015 Leading in organizations: Leadership 3 2020-21 SEM1 |
MW3015_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
Newborn and Infant Physical Examination |
MW2004 |
Module |
Newborn and Infant Physical Examination |
MW2004_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
NU1001 Foundations of Nursing Practice 2021-22 Y |
NU1001_2021-22_Y |
Module |
NU1014 Psycho-social concepts of public health, health promotion and health protection 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU1014_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU1018 Fundamentals of Evidence Based Practice 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU1018_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU2002 Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Adult Nursing 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU2002_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU2003 Fundamental Knowledge and Skills for Mental Health Assessment and Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU2003_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU2004 Treatment and Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU2004_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU2005 Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care with a Focus on Older People 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU2005_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU2016 Appraising the evidence in health care practice 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU2016_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU2202 Holistic Assessment and Recognition of Health and Social Care in Children's Nursing 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU2202_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU2205 Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care for Children and Young People 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU2205_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU3002 Pharmacology and medicines management applied to nursing practice 2020-21 SEM1 |
NU3002_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3002 Pharmacology and medicines management applied to nursing practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU3002_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3003 Elective/Internship for Nursing Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU3003_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3003 Elective/Internship for Nursing Practice 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU3003_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU3004 Understanding the Nurse/Patient Partnership in Mental Health 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU3004_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3005 Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Adult Nursing 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU3005_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU3012 Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to nursing practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU3012_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3016 Developing Evidence Based Practice 2020-21 SEM2 |
NU3016_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
NU3016 Developing Evidence Based Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
NU3016_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
NU3016 Developing Evidence Based Practice 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU3016_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
NU3205 Management of Complex and Long-term Conditions in Children's Nursing 2021-22 SEM2 |
NU3205_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1 |
MW1011_2020-21_Y |
Module |
Participating in care: Midwifery practice 1 |
MW1011 |
Module |
Perinatal Mental Health |
MW2003_2019-20_SEM1 |
Module |
Perinatal Mental Health |
MW2003 |
Module |
PH0001 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Analysis of Movement 2021-22 SEM2 |
PH0001_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
PH1001 Clinical Skills: Appendicular Anatomy 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH1001_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH1002 Clinical Skills: Pathophysiology 1 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH1002_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH1003 Clinical Skills: Introducing Practice 1 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH1003_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH1004 Professional Development 1 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH1004_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH1005 Clinical Skills: Axial Anatomy 2021-22 SEM2 |
PH1005_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
PH1006 Clinical Skills: Pathophysiology 2 2021-22 SEM2 |
PH1006_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
PH1007 Clinical Skills Introducing Practice 2 2021-22 SEM2 |
PH1007_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
PH1008 Evidence Based Practice 1 2021-22 SEM2 |
PH1008_2021-22_SEM2 |
Module |
PH2001 Clinical Skills 2: Developing MSK Professional Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH2001_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH2002 Clinical Skills 2: Developing Cardio-Respiratory Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH2002_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH2003 Clinical Skills 2: Developing Neurological Practice 2021-22 SEM1 |
PH2003_2021-22_SEM1 |
Module |
PH3001 Clinical Skills 3: Enhancing Practice 2021-22 Y |
PH3001_2021-22_Y |
Module |
PH3002 Professional Development 3 2021-22 Y |
PH3002_2021-22_Y |
Module |
PH3003 Evidence Based Practice 3 2021-22 Y |
PH3003_2021-22_Y |
Module |
PH7060 Neurological Injection Therapy |
PH7060 |
Module |
Pharmacology and medicines management applied to midwifery practice |
MW3002 |
Module |
Pharmacology and medicines management applied to nursing practice |
NU3002 |
Module |
Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to nursing and midwifery practice |
NU3012 |
Module |
Pharmacology and medicines prescribing applied to nursing and midwifery practice |
MW3012 |
Module |
Physiotherapy Foundation Year: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Analysis of Movement |
PH0001 |
Module |
Placement 1 & 2 (Linked work experience hours) |
NU1002 |
Module |
Placement 1 & 2 (Linked work experience hours) |
NU1002_2019-20_Y |
Module |
Placement 3 & 4 (Linked work experience) |
NU2001 |
Module |
Placement 3 & 4 (Linked work experience) |
NU2001_2019-20_Y |
Module |
Placement 5 & 6 (Linked work experience) |
NU3001 |
Module |
Placement 7 & 8 (Linked work experience) |
NU4002 |
Module |
Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care for Children and Young People |
NU2205_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Planning, intervention and evaluation of care for children and young people |
NU2115 |
Module |
Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care for Children and Young People |
NU2205 |
Module |
Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care with a Focus on Older People |
NU2005 |
Module |
Planning, intervention and evaluation of care with a focus on older people |
NU2015 |
Module |
Planning, Intervention and Evaluation of Care with a Focus on Older People |
NU2005_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Post Anaesthetic Practice |
OP2002 |
Module |
Practice Development and Progression 1 |
OP1004 |
Module |
Practice Development and Progression 2 |
OP2004 |
Module |
Practice Development and Progression 3 |
OP3002 |
Module |
Practice Education 1 |
PH2006 |
Module |
Practice Education 2 |
PH2007 |
Module |
Practice Education 3 |
PH3004 |
Module |
Practice Education 4 |
PH3005 |
Module |
Practice Education 5 |
PH3006 |
Module |
Preparation for professional practice |
MW4014 |
Module |
Preparing for Professional Practice |
MW4004 |
Module |
Professional Development 1 |
MW1004 |
Module |
Professional Development 1 |
PH1004 |
Module |
Professional Development 1 |
NU1020 |
Module |
Professional Development 2 |
PH2005 |
Module |
Professional Development 3 |
PH3002 |
Module |
Professional development: elective/internship in midwifery |
MW4011 |
Module |
Professional development: elective/internship in midwifery |
MW3013 |
Module |
Professional development: Elective/Internship in nursing |
NU3013 |
Module |
Professional Leadership 4 |
MW4003 |
Module |
Professional, Ethical and Legal Challenges in Nursing |
NU4001 |
Module |
Professional, legal and ethical challenges in nursing |
NU4012 |
Module |
Promoting safe and effective midwifery care through continuity of care models |
MW2012_2020-21_SEM1 |
Module |
Promoting safe and effective midwifery care through continuity of care models |
MW2012 |
Module |
Promoting safe motherhood from a global perspective |
MW4002 |
Module |
Promoting safe motherhood from a global perspective |
MW4012 |
Module |
Psycho-social concepts of public health, health promotion and health protection |
NU1014 |
Module |
Psycho-social concepts of public health, health promotion and health protection |
NU1014_2020-21_SEM2 |
Module |
PY1101 Core Clinical & Professional 1: Gastrointestinal and Cardiovascular Systems 2024-25 SEM1 |
PY1101 |
Module |
Science and Technology 2 |
RA2003 |
Module |
Social and Psychological Concepts of Public Health and Social Care |
NU1004_SEM2_2018-19 |
Module |
Social and Psychological Concepts of Public Health and Social Care |
NU1004 |
Module |
Social and Psychological Concepts of Public Health and Social Care |
NU1004_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Specialist care in mental health practice |
NU3014 |
Module |
Specialist Practice |
OP2001 |
Module |
Theory of Cross-Sectional Practice |
RA2004 |
Module |
Treatment and Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health |
NU2004_2019-20_SEM2 |
Module |
Treatment and Therapeutic Interventions in Mental Health |
NU2004 |
Module |
Treatment and therapeutic interventions in mental health |
NU2014 |
Module |
Understanding the Nurse/Patient Partnership in Mental Health |
NU3004 |
Module |