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A Sea of Conflict? Christian Muslim Encounters c. 1100-c. 1300 HS3775_2019-20_Y Module
A Sea of Conflict? Christian Muslim Encounters c. 1100-c. 1300 HS3775 Module
A World Connected: Economy, Wellbeing and Sustainability since 1945 HS2329 Module
A World Connected: Welfare, Economy and Government since 1945 HS2329_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Abolitionists: Anitslavery Activism in Britain and America, 1787-1865 HS3810 Module
After Hitler: Society, Culture and The Politics of The Nazi Past in The Two Germanies, 1945-1990 HS3771_2019-20_Y Module
After Hitler: Society, Culture and The Politics of The Nazi Past in The Two Germanies, 1945-1990 HS3771 Module
After The Holocaust HS7037 Module
All Bourgeois Now? Class in History HS2237 Module
All Bourgeois Now? Class in History HS2237_2019-20_SEM1 Module
AM1001 Freedom Written in Blood: United States History, 1776-1877 2018-19 SEM1 AM1001_2018-19_SEM1 Module
AM1002 Classic US Texts 2018-19 SEM1 AM1002_2018-19_SEM1 Module
AM1003 Introduction to American Politics 2018-19 SEM1 AM1003_2018-19_SEM1 Module
AM1004 American History since 1877 2018-19 SEM2 AM1004_2018-19_SEM2 Module
AM1005 Modern American Writing 2018-19 SEM2 AM1005_2018-19_SEM2 Module
AM2010 American Literary Figures from the Settler to the Hipster 2018-19 SEM2 AM2010_2018-19_SEM2 Module
AM2013 Ethnicity and Diversity in American Literature, 1950-2000 2018-19 SEM1 AM2013_2018-19_SEM1 Module
AM2014 Ethnicity and Diversity in American Life, from Emancipation to the Present 2018-19 SEM2 AM2014_2018-19_SEM2 Module
AM2016 Americas Plural: Latin America and the United States 2018-19 SEM1 AM2016_2018-19_SEM1 Module
AM2211 The City 2018-19 SEM2 AM2211_2018-19_SEM2 Module
AM2212 The American West 2018-19 SEM1 AM2212_2018-19_SEM1 Module
American Autobiography and American Literature AM3022 Module
American Autobiography and American Literature AM3022_2019-20_SEM2 Module
American Freedoms: Rhetoric and Reality in the USA HS7304 Module
American History, 1877-Present HS1017 Module
American Literary Figures from the Settler to the Hipster AM2010_2019-20_SEM2 Module
American Literary Figures from the Settler to the Hipster AM2010 Module
American Political Development PL3114_2019-20_SEM2 Module
American Political Development PL3114 Module
American Studies in Action AM3023 Module
American Studies in Action AM3023_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Americas Plural: Latin America and the United States AM2016_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Americas Plural: Latin America and the United States AM2016 Module
Anglo-Saxon England to Alfred HS2301_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Animals and the Environment PL3155 Module
Astropolitics PL7099 Module
Barbarism and Civilisation: Medieval and Early Modern Europe HS1001 Module
Barbarism and Civilisation: Medieval and Early Modern Europe HS1001_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Beauty, Sex & Science: Whose Body is it Anyway c.1550-2015? HS3773 Module
Beauty, Sex & Science: Whose Body is it Anyway c.1550-2015? HS3773_2019-20_Y Module
Becoming the Historical Researcher HS2500_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Becoming the Historical Researcher HS2500 Module
Blood, Position and Power: The Nobility of Later Mediaeval England, 1066-1485 HS2302_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Blood, Position and Power: The Nobility of Later Mediaeval England, 1066-1485 HS2302 Module
Brexit and British Politics PL3107_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Brexit and British Politics PL3107 Module
Case Studies in Politics, Power and Ethics PL1119_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Case Studies in Politics, Power and Ethics PL1119 Module
Case Studies in Post-Cold War (Dis-)order PL1116_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Case Studies in Post-Cold War (Dis-)order PL1116 Module
Church, State and Belief in Soviet Russia, 1941-1991 HS3778 Module
Cities and the Making of Modern South Asia, c,. 1750-1950 HS3697_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Classic US Texts AM1002_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Climate Change: Ethics, Issues, Justice PL3140_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Climate Change: Ethics, Issues, Justice PL3140 Module
Clothing and Fashion in Historical Perspective. Case Studies of Modern European History in Transnational Context HS3681 Module
Cold War, Crisis and Confrontation: International Relations 1945-1989 PL1015_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Comparative European Politics PL1012_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Comparative European Politics PL1012 Module
Comparative Public Opinion PL3148 Module
Comparative Public Opinion PL3148_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Contemporary Conflict Analysis PL7599 Module
Contemporary Political Philosophy: Theories of Justice PL2027 Module
Contemporary Political Philosophy: Theories of Justice PL2027_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Corruption, Informality & Scandals PL3146_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Corruption, Informality & Scandals PL3146 Module
Crime and Punishment in African American History HS3662 Module
Crime and Punishment in African American History HS3662_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Culture and Society in Italy, 1400-1750 HS2366_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Cultures of Struggle and Liberation: Twentieth Century Southern Africa HS3774_2019-20_Y Module
Cultures of Struggle and Liberation: Twentieth Century Southern Africa HS3774 Module
Daring to be Free: The Women’s Movement in Britain, 1850s-1970s HS3682 Module
Democracy and EU Membership in Post-Communist Europe PL3136_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Democratization and EU Membership in Post-Communist Europe PL3136 Module
Diasporas and Migrations in the Modern World HS3694 Module
Dissertation HS3510 Module
Dissertation AM3001_2019-20_Y Module
Dissertation HS3510_2019-20_Y Module
Dissertation AM3001 Module
Dissertation (History) [ Postgraduate ] HS7000 Module
Dissertation (MRes) [ Postgraduate ] HS7450 Module
Dissertation 1 PL3094 Module
Dissertation 1 PL3094_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Dissertation 2 PL3095 Module
Dissertation Supplement AM3000_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Dissertation with Research in North America AM3002_2019-20_Y Module
Domestic Revolutions: Women, Men and the Family in American History HS2311 Module
Domestic Revolutions: Women, Men and the Family in American History HS2311_2019-20_SEM2 Module
East Asian International Relations: Strategic, Economic, and Societal Dilemmas PL3151 Module
Emotions in Conflict and Cooperation PL3147 Module
Emotions in Conflict and Cooperation PL3147_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Enter the Dragon: Modern Chinese History, 1839-1989 HS2353_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Enter the Dragon: Modern Chinese History, 1839-1989 HS2353 Module
Ethnicity and Diversity in American Life, from Emancipation to the Present AM2014_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Ethnicity and Diversity in American Life, from Emancipation to the Present [ Year 2 ] AM2014 Module
Ethnicity and Diversity in American Literature, 1950-200 AM2013 Module
Ethnicity and Diversity in American Literature, 1950-2000 AM2013_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Europe 1861-1991: Emancipation and Subjugation HS1016 Module
Europe 1861-1991: Emancipation and Subjugation HS1016_2019-20_SEM2 Module
European Union Politics PL2016_2019-20_SEM2 Module
European Union Politics PL2016 Module
Families and Communities in England and Wales, c.1600-1900 HS7136 Module
Feminism PL3060_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Feminism PL3060 Module
Fight The Power! Race, Rights and Protest in the USA HS2368 Module
Food, Diet and Health in Early Modern Europe HS3678_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Food, Diet and Health in Early Modern Europe HS3678 Module
Foreign Policy Analysis PL2019 Module
Foreign Policy Analysis PL2022_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foreign Policy Analysis PL2022 Module
Forms of Modern Poetry AM3024 Module
Fourteenth Century Crisis in England? Politics & Society 1297-1413 HS3646_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Fourteenth Century Crisis in England? Politics & Society 1297-1413 HS3646 Module
Freedom Written in Blood: United States History, 1776-1877 AM1001_2019-20_SEM1 Module
From Beer to Fraternity: Alcohol, Society and Culture in North America HS2359_2019-20_SEM2 Module
From Beer to Fraternity: Alcohol, Society and Culture in North America HS2359 Module
From Empire to Nation: Modern South Asia, c. 1857-1947 HS3699_2019-20_SEM1 Module
From Empire to Nation: Modern South Asia, c.1857-1947 HS3699 Module
From Gin Lane to Westminster: Culture, Politics and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain HS3767 Module
Gender History HS2231_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Gender History HS2231 Module
Gender, Crime and Deviance in Eighteenth Century Britain HS3808 Module
Gender, Race and War PL3145_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Gender, Race and War PL3145 Module
Global Cities HS2238 Module
Global Cities HS2238_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Global Cities: The View from Asia HS7212 Module
Global History: comparative and connected approaches HS7310 Module
Global History: Connections and Cultures in a Changing World, c.1750-Present HS1012_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Global History: Connections and Cultures in a Changing World, c.1750-Present HS1012 Module
Global Justice and Human Rights PL3118_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Global Justice and Human Rights PL3118 Module
Governing Societies in Conflict PL2024_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Governing Societies in Conflict PL2024 Module
Great Britain: The State We're In HS1013 Module
Great Britain: The State We're In HS1013_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Heritage Field Project HS2802_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Heritage Field Project HS2802 Module
Historical Research, Historical Writing HS7010 Module
Histories of Violence HS2236_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Histories of Violence HS2236 Module
History in the Classroom HS2360_2019-20_SEM2 Module
History in the Classroom HS2360 Module
Holy Wars in Sacred Lands: Conflict and Coexistence during the Crusades HS2367 Module
How Buildings Work: Architectural History and Structural Engineering from the Ancient World to 2000 HS7512 Module
How Soon is Now? A Social History of Urban England, 1945-1985 HS3776_2019-20_Y Module
How Soon is Now? A Social History of Urban England, 1945-1985 HS3776 Module
HS1000 Making History 2018-19 SEM1 HS1000_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS1001 Barbarism and Civilisation: Medieval and Early Modern Europe 2018-19 SEM1 HS1001_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS1002 The Shock of the Modern 2018-19 SEM1 HS1002_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS1012 Global History: Connections and Cultures in a Changing World, c.1750-Present 2018-19 SEM2 HS1012_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS1013 Great Britain: The State We're In 2018-19 SEM2 HS1013_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS1016 Europe 1861-1991: Emancipation and Subjugation 2018-19 SEM2 HS1016_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS1100 People and Places 2018-19 SEM2 HS1100_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2231 Gender History 2018-19 SEM2 HS2231_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2232 Religious History 2018-19 SEM2 HS2232_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2234 Race and Ethnicity 2018-19 SEM1 HS2234_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2236 Histories of Violence 2018-19 SEM2 HS2236_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2237 All Bourgeois Now? Class in History 2018-19 SEM1 HS2237_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2238 Global Cities 2018-19 SEM1 HS2238_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2239 Radical Histories 2018-19 SEM1 HS2239_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2240 Histories of Medicine 2018-19 SEM2 HS2240_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2301 Anglo-Saxon England to Alfred 2018-19 SEM1 HS2301_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2302 Blood, Position and Power: The Nobility of Later Mediaeval England, 1066-1485 2018-19 SEM2 HS2302_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2307 Madness, Monarchy and Politics in Georgian Britain 2018-19 SEM1 HS2307_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2311 Domestic Revolutions: Women, Men and the Family in American History 2018-19 SEM2 HS2311_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2314 Imperialism and Decolonisation 2018-19 SEM2 HS2314_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2318 A World in Motion: The Rise of a Global Economy, 1783-1914 2018-19 SEM1 HS2318_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2319 From News to History 2018-19 SEM1 HS2319_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2328 Jack-the-Ripper: Crime, Popular Culture and Policing in Victorian Times 2018-19 SEM2 HS2328_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2329 A World Connected: Welfare, Economy and Government since 1945 2018-19 SEM2 HS2329_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2331 Modern Ireland, 1939-1975 2018-19 SEM1 HS2331_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2331 Modern Ireland, 1939-1975 2018-19 SEM2 HS2331_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2339 Revolutionary England, 1640-1660: Politics, Religion, Ideas 2018-19 SEM1 HS2339_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2339 Revolutionary England, 1640-1660: Politics, Religion, Ideas 2018-19 SEM2 HS2339_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2346 Slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction in the United States 2018-19 SEM2 HS2346_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2347 Deviance and Disorder in the Early Modern City 2018-19 SEM2 HS2347_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2348 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 2018-19 SEM1 HS2348_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2348 Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union 2018-19 SEM2 HS2348_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2349 Stormtroops, Iron Guard and Arrow Cross: Fascism and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1938-1945 2018-19 SEM1 HS2349_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2349 Stormtroops, Iron Guard and Arrow Cross: Fascism and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1938-1945 2018-19 SEM2 HS2349_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2353 Enter the Dragon: Modern Chinese History, 1839-1989 2018-19 SEM1 HS2353_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2358 Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution 2018-19 SEM1 HS2358_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2358 Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution 2018-19 SEM2 HS2358_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2359 From Beer to Fraternity: Alcohol, Society and Culture in North America 2018-19 SEM2 HS2359_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2360 History in the Classroom 2018-19 SEM2 HS2360_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2361 The rage of party: politics, religion, and culture in the reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714 2018-19 SEM1 HS2361_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2361 The rage of party: politics, religion, and culture in the reign of Queen Anne, 1702-1714 2018-19 SEM2 HS2361_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2362 Living with Dictatorship: European Societies, 1918-1941 2018-19 SEM2 HS2362_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2365 Fears amd Fantasies: Criminality and Deviance in the Modern World 2018-19 SEM1 HS2365_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2366 Culture and Society in Italy, 1400-1750 2018-19 SEM1 HS2366_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2369 Digital Histories HS2369 Module
HS2400 Perceiving the Past 2018-19 SEM1 HS2400_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2500 The Historian's Craft 2018-19 SEM2 HS2500_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS2802 Heritage Field Project 2018-19 SEM1 HS2802_2018-19_SEM1 Module
HS2802 Heritage Field Project 2018-19 SEM2 HS2802_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS3614 The Imperial Economy: Britain and the Wider World 1815-1914 2018-19 SEM2 HS3614_2018-19_SEM2 Module
HS3678 Food, Diet and Health in Early Modern Europe 2018-19 SEM2 HS3678_2018-19_SEM2 Module
Ideals of Womanhood in 19th Century America HS3766 Module
Imperialism and Decolonisation HS2314 Module
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, c1350-1650 HS3691 Module
Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, pre-1600 HS3691_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Intelligence Ethics PL7543 Module
International Migration in the Age of Securitisation PL3143_2019-20_SEM1 Module
International Migration in the Age of Securitisation PL3143 Module
International Relations, Statecraft and Political Conflict in Africa PL3150 Module
International Security Studies PL2018_2019-20_SEM2 Module
International Security Studies PL2018 Module
International Theory PL2015 Module
International Theory PL2015_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Introduction to American Government and Politics AM1103 Module
Introduction to American Government and Politics AM1103_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Introduction to American Government and Politics AM1003_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Introduction to American Politics [ Year 1 ] AM1003 Module
Introduction to Politics PL1019 Module
Jack-the-Ripper: Crime, Popular Culture and Policing in Victorian Times HS2328_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Jack-the-Ripper: Crime, Popular Culture and Policing in Victorian Times HS2328 Module
Key Concepts in International Relations PL1022 Module
Key Concepts in International Relations PL1022_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Landscapes and Identities in Medieval and Early Modern England HS7135 Module
Latin American Politics PL2028 Module
Latin American Politics PL2028_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Literatures of Protest: Reading and Political Action AM3021 Module
Literatures of Protest: Reading and Political Action AM3021_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Living with Dictatorship: European Societies, 1918-1941 HS2362 Module
Madness, Monarchy and Politics in Georgian Britain HS2307_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Madness, Monarchy and Politics in Georgian Britain HS2307 Module
Making History HS1000 Module
Making History HS1000_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Making Nazis: Propaganda and Persuasion in the Third Reich, 1933-1945 HS3693_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Modern American Poetry AM3024_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Modern American Writing AM1005_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Modern Ireland, 1939-1975 HS2331 Module
Modern Monsters: Contemporary American Texts AM3039 Module
Modern Monsters: The Other in Contemporary American Texts AM3039_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Murder and the Media: Crime, Justice and Society, 1750-1950 HS7323 Module
On Europe’s Edge: Empires and Nations in Central and Eastern Europe, 1848-1918 HS3809 Module
Order and Disorder: International Relations 1989 to the Present PL1016_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Order and Disorder: International Relations 1989 to the Present PL1016 Module
Parliamentary Politics PL3106_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Parliamentary Studies PL3106 Module
People and Places HS1100_2019-20_SEM2 Module
People and Places HS1100 Module
Perceiving the Past HS2400 Module
Perceiving the Past HS2401_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Perceiving the Past HS2400_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Perceiving the Past HS2401 Module
Political Analysis 1: Understanding political science research PL2094_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Political Analysis 1: Understanding political science research PL2094 Module
Political Analysis 2: Preparing for your dissertation PL2095_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Political Analysis 2: Preparing for your dissertation PL2095 Module
Political Concepts PL1011 Module
Political Concepts PL1011_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Political Ideas PL2011_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Political Ideas PL2011 Module
Political Participation in Britain PL3127 Module
Political Participation in Britain PL3127_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Political Parties in Contemporary Britain PL2020 Module
Political Parties in Contemporary Britain PL2020_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Politics and the Environment PL3076_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Politics and the Environment PL3076 Module
Politics and War in Outer Space PL3144_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Politics and War in Outer Space PL3144 Module
Politics of the Global South PL2029_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Politics of the Global South PL2029 Module
Politics of the International Drug Trade PL3142_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Politics of the International Drug Trade PL3142 Module
Politics, Power and Ethics PL1019_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Power in the World Economy PL1021_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Power in the World Economy PL1021 Module
Race and Ethnicity HS2234 Module
Race and Ethnicity HS2234_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Race, Caste and Political Theory PL3153 Module
Religious History HS2232_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Religious History HS2232 Module
Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union HS2348_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Sex and Gender in Global Politics PL2021_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction in the United States HS2346_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Sport and the British HS3677_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Stormtroops, Iron Guard and Arrow Cross: Fascism and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1938-1945 HS2349 Module
Stormtroops, Iron Guard and Arrow Cross: Fascism and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 1938-1945 HS2349_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Strategy and International Security PL3149_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Strategy and International Security PL3149 Module
The Age of Bede and Alcuin: Anglo-Saxon Northumbria and Mercia in the 7th and 8th Centuries HS3772 Module
The American City AM2011 Module
The American Presidency PL3071 Module
The American Presidency PL3071_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The American West AM2012 Module
The American West AM2212_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The American West AM2212 Module
The British Antislavery Movement, 1787-1833 HS3768 Module
The Cause: The Women's Suffrage Movement in Britain, c.1897-1918 HS3770 Module
The Changing Character of War PL3116_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The City AM2211 Module
The City AM2211_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The City in History (Distance Learning) HS7513 Module
The City in History [ Postgraduate ] HS7251 Module
The Civil Rights Movement, 1945-1968 HS3627_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Conservatives: Crisis and Recovery PL3098 Module
The Conservatives: Crisis and Recovery PL3098_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Curious Feminist: Gender in Global Politics PL2021 Module
The Death Penalty: a Global History HS3653 Module
The French Revolution 1789-1804 HS3765 Module
The Global Cold War: International Relations 1945-1989 PL1015 Module
The Golden Age of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria HS3688 Module
The Golden Age of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria HS3688_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Government and Politics of the USA PL1013 Module
The Holocaust - A Genocide: Mass Murder in Comparative Perspective HS7026 Module
The Holocaust in Europe, 1939-1945 HS3686 Module
The Holocaust: Genocide in Europe HS3769_2019-20_Y Module
The Holocaust: Genocide in Europe HS3769 Module
The Imperial Economy: Britain and the Wider World 1815-1914 HS3614 Module
The Imperial Economy: Britain and the Wider World 1815-1914 HS3614_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Latin World: ancient, medieval and modern HS2027 Module
The Making of Contemporary US Foreign Policy PL2019_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Medieval Natural World HS3696_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Medieval Natural World HS3696 Module
The Political Legacies of Conflict in Northern Ireland PL3122 Module
The Political Theory of Disobedience and Protests PL3154 Module
The Politics of Contemporary British Foreign Policy PL3137_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Politics of Contemporary Conflict PL3116 Module
The Politics of Intelligence PL3119_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Politics of Intelligence PL3119 Module
The Politics of Nuclear Weapons PL3129 Module
The Politics of Nuclear Weapons PL3129_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Politics of Slavery PL3121_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Politics of Slavery PL3121 Module
The Politics of War and Peace: Northern Ireland After 1972 PL3103_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt HS3777 Module
The Shock of the Modern HS1002 Module
The Shock of the Modern HS1002_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The USA and the Vietnam War HS3634_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The USA and the Vietnam War HS3634 Module
Theatres of Conflict: Ireland in the Nineteenth Century HS3608_2019-20_SEM2 Module
US History since 1877 AM1004_2019-20_SEM2 Module
US History since 1877 AM1104_2019-20_SEM2 Module
US History since 1877 AM1104 Module
Victorian Society [ Postgraduate ] HS7499 Module
What Difference Did the War Make? British Society and the Great War HS3620_2019-20_SEM1 Module
What Difference Did the War Make? British Society and the Great War, 1900-1939 HS3620 Module
When Two Dragons Fight: china and Japan at War in the Twentieth Century HS3689 Module
When Two Dragons Fight: china and Japan at War in the Twentieth Century HS3689_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Women in American Society from Civil War to First World War HS3680 Module
World's End: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Environmental Crises HS2803 Module

Lists linked to History, Politics and International Relations

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Understanding Digital Sources (HyPIR MA & PhD) 2022-23 Ended 31/07/2023 11/08/2022 15:41:21
Understanding Digital Sources (HyPIR MA & PhD) 2021-22 Ended 31/07/2022 14/09/2021 13:39:10
Understanding Digital Sources (HyPIR MA & PhD) 2023-24 Ended 31/07/2024 01/06/2023 08:36:25
Understanding Digital Sources (HyPIR MA & PhD) 2024-25 24/09/2024 09:48:29
Understanding Digital Sources (HyPIR MA & PhD) 2020-21 Ended 31/07/2021 02/06/2020 12:35:38