Browse Department

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Financial Reporting MN2115 Module
Managing in a Post Crisis World MN3145 Module
Academic Writing Skills MN7656 Module
Academic Writing Skills - Undergraduate LM1500 Module
Accounting and Finance for Managers MN7403 Module
Accounting and Finance for non specialists Managers MN7437 Module
Accounting and Finance in Context MN1409_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Accounting and Finance in Context MN1409 Module
Accounting for accountability and decision making MN7061 Module
Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations MN3143_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Accounting for Non-Profit Organisations MN3143 Module
Accounting Theory MN2139_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Accounting Theory MN2139 Module
Accounting, Decision making and Control MN2138 Module
Accounting, Decision making and Control MN2138_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Advance Market Intelligence MN3114 Module
Advanced Audit, Assurance and Ethics MN3148 Module
Advanced Audit, Assurance and Ethics MN3030 Module
Advanced Corporate Finance MN3151 Module
Advanced Financial Accounting MN3142 Module
Advanced Financial Accounting MN3142_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Advanced Management Accounting MN3135 Module
Advanced Management Accounting MN3135_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Advanced Option Pricing MN3129_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Advanced Option Pricing MN3129 Module
Advanced Qualitative Techniques MN3123 Module
Advanced Quantitative Techniques MN3122 Module
Analysing Quantitative Data for Management and Research MN3122_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Behavioural Finance and Investment Strategies MN3138 Module
Behavioural Finance and Investment Strategies MN3138_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Business Analytics MN7062 Module
Business Ethics MN3109 Module
Business Ethics MN3109_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Business Finance and Reporting MN1010_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Business Finance and Reporting MN1010 Module
Business Finance and Reporting MN1427 Module
Business Impact Challenge MN3014 Module
Business in the Digital Economy MN3115 Module
Business of the Space Economy MN3170 Module
Business Planning and Finance MN7043 Module
Business Simulation I MN2109 Module
Business Simulation II MN3154_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Business, Economy and Society MN1014 Module
Case Studies of Crises and Disasters MN7634 Module
Consultancy Challenge MN2105 Module
Consultancy Challenge MN2105_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Consumer Behaviour MN2121_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Consumer Behaviour MN2121 Module
Consumer Culture: Globalization, Materialism and Resistance MN3106_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Consumers, Brands, and Digital Marketing MN1030 Module
Contemporary Issues in Business and Management MN1028 Module
Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship MN3166 Module
Contemporary Issues in International Financial Reporting MN7320_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Corporate Finance MN2134_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Corporate Finance MN2134 Module
Corporate Finance MN3107 Module
Corporate Finance MN3107_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Corporate Governance MN2136_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Corporate Governance MN2136 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Practice MN2116_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Practice MN2116 Module
Crisis Management MN3165 Module
Critical Analysis for Management MN3102 Module
Critical Analysis for Management MN3102_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Culture and the International Context MN2506 Module
Cyberpsychology at Work MN3126 Module
Cyberpsychology at work 2019-20 MN3126_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Derivative Pricing I MN3112_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Derivative Pricing I MN3112 Module
Derivative Pricing II MN3113_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Derivative Pricing II MN3113 Module
Derivatives MN3146 Module
Developing HR Practitioner Skills MN2128 Module
Disaster Risk Reduction and International Development MN7638 Module
Dissertation MN3101 Module
Dissertation MN3101_2019-20_Y Module
Dissertation MN7433 Module
Dissertation MN7020 Module
Dissertation MN7654 Module
Dissertation (Accounting and Finance) MN3206 Module
Dissertation (Accounting) MN3207 Module
Dissertation (HRM) MN3202 Module
Dissertation (Management) MN3200 Module
Dissertation (Marketing) MN3204 Module
Dissertation Project MN7642 Module
Dissertation/Business Plan MN7047 Module
Diversity in Organisations MN2133 Module
Diversity in Organisations MN2133_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Doing Qualitative Research: Analysing Qualitative Data MN3124_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Doing Qualitative Research: Collecting Qualitative Data MN3123_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Ecology and Sustainability: Contemporary Issues MN3131 Module
Ecology and Sustainability: Contemporary Issues MN3131_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Economics for Management MN1404 Module
Economy and Society MN1014_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Economy and Society MN1424 Module
Emergency Planning Management MN7641 Module
Emergency Planning Management MN7635 Module
Employee Development and Workplace Learning MN7652 Module
Employee Development and Workplace Learning MN7647 Module
Employment Relations MN1428 Module
Employment Relations MN1012_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Enterprise in Practice MN1027 Module
Entrepreneurship and Practice MN7044 Module
Finance for small and medium enterprises MN3140_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises MN3140 Module
Finance for small and medium enterprises MN2141_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises MN2141 Module
Financial Markets Products: Futures and Forwards MN2137 Module
Financial Markets Products: Futures and Forwards MN2137_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Financial Reporting MN2115_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Financial Reports Analysis MN3149 Module
Foundations of Economics MN1017_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Foundations of Economics MN1017 Module
Foundations of Finance MN1019 Module
Foundations of Finance MN1019_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Foundations of Financial Accounting MN1016 Module
Foundations of Financial Accounting MN1016_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Foundations of Knowledge MN1405 Module
Foundations of Management MN1406 Module
Global Context of HRD and HRM MN7658 Module
Global Strategy, International Marketing, and Operations Management MN7053 Module
Globalisation and Skills MN2144 Module
Globalisation and Skills MN2144_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Human Resource Management MN2131_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Human Resource Management MN2131 Module
Implementing Improvements in Organisational Performance MN7649 Module
Implementing Improvements in Organisational Performance MN7657 Module
Industrial Relations in a Changing Economy MN3116_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Industrial Relations in a Changing Economy MN3116 Module
Information Management MN1425 Module
Information Technology MN1402 Module
International Business MN3104 Module
International Business MN3104_2019-20_SEM2 Module
International Business MN3104_2018-19_SEM2 Module
International Business MN7406_2019-20_SEM2 Module
International Human Resource Management MN7374 Module
International Management Project MN7411 Module
International Marketing MN3117 Module
Introduction to Accounting Theory MN1020 Module
Introduction to Accounting Theory MN1020_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Introduction to Employment Relations MN1012 Module
Introduction to Management MN1026 Module
Introduction to Management for Accounting and Finance MN1025 Module
Introduction to Management for Accounting and Finance MN1025_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Knowledge Management MN7304_2019-_SEM2 Module
Labour Market Issues, Themes and Controversies MN3118 Module
Labour Market Issues, Themes and Controversies MN3155_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Labour Market Issues, Themes and Controversies MN3155 Module
Labour Market Issues, Themes and Controversies MN3152_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Labour Market Trends and Debates MN2027 Module
Leadership in Practice MN7002 Module
Leading, Managing and Developing People MN7005 Module
Macro-Finance MN2140 Module
Macro-Finance MN2140_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Management Accounting MN7035_2019-20_SEM_3 Module
Management Accounting MN7035_2019-20_SEM3 Module
Management and Cost Accounting MN1018_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Management and Cost Accounting MN1018 Module
Management in Organisations MN2503 Module
Management Inquiry and Analysis MN1421 Module
Management Inquiry and Analysis MN1009 Module
Management Inquiry and Analysis MN1009_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Management Project MN7410 Module
Management Theory and Debate MN1000_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Management Theory and Debate MN1000 Module
Management Theory and Debate MN2018 Module
Management Theory and Debate MN1422 Module
Managing Change and Technology at Work MN7301 Module
Managing Clinical Professionals in Healthcare MN7415 Module
Managing Digital Technologies and Business Analytics MN7416 Module
Managing Finance for Corporate Policy and Strategy MN7705 Module
Managing Finances and Strategic Decision Making MN7703 Module
Managing HR in a Business Context MN7637 Module
Managing Human Resources MN7655 Module
Managing Human Resources in a Business Context MN7648 Module
Managing Human Resources Strategically MN7707 Module
Managing Information Technology MN1024 Module
Managing Information Technology MN1024_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Managing Knowledge in Organisations MN3110_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Managing Knowledge in Organisations MN3110 Module
Market Intelligence, Data Analysis and Research Methods MN7051 Module
Market Intelligence, Data Analysis and Research Methods MN7435 Module
Marketing Analytics and Decisions MN3164 Module
Marketing Communications and Digital Media MN2106_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Marketing Communications and Digital Media MN2106 Module
Marketing Ethics and Society MN3167 Module
Marketing Intelligence MN2026 Module
Marketing Management MN7404 Module
Marketing Management MN7404_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Marketing Strategy and Innovation MN7013 Module
Marketing Theory MN3163 Module
Masters Course: Research Methods MN7653 Module
Maths and Statistics for Accounting and Finance MN1410 Module
Maths and Statistics for Accounting and Finance MN1410_2019-20_SEM1 Module
MN1000 Management Theory and Debate 2018-19 SEM1 MN1000_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1002 Principles of Marketing 2018-19 SEM2 MN1002_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1009 Management Inquiry and Analysis 2018-19 SEM1 MN1009_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1010 Business Finance and Reporting 2018-19 SEM2 MN1010_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1011 Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics 2018-19 SEM2 MN1011_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1012 Employment Relations 2018-19 SEM2 MN1012_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1013 Work and Society 2018-19 SEM2 MN1013_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1014 Economy and Society 2018-19 SEM1 MN1014_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1015 Management Tutorials (BA Management Studies) 2018-19 Y MN1015_2018-19_Y Module
MN1016 Foundations of Financial Accounting 2018-19 SEM1 MN1016_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1017 Foundations of Economics 2018-19 SEM1 MN1017_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1018 Management and Cost Accounting 2018-19 SEM2 MN1018_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1019 Foundations of Finance 2018-19 SEM2 MN1019_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1020 Introduction to Accounting Theory 2018-19 SEM2 MN1020_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1021 Innovation In Context 2018-19 SEM1 MN1021_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1022 Social and Ethical Foundations of Innovation, Science and Technology 2018-19 SEM2 MN1022_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1023 Management Tutorials (BSc Accounting and Finance) 2018-19 Y MN1023_2018-19_Y Module
MN1024 Information Management 2018-19 SEM1 MN1024_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1025 Introduction to Management for Accounting and Finance 2018-19 SEM1 MN1025_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1400 Introduction to Marketing 2018-19 T3 MN1400_2018-19_T3 Module
MN1401 Introduction to Accountancy 2018-19 T3 MN1401_2018-19_T3 Module
MN1402 Information Technology 2018-19 T1 MN1402_2018-19_T1 Module
MN1403 Quantitative Methods 2018-19 T1 MN1403_2018-19_T1 Module
MN1404 Economics for Management 2018-19 T2 MN1404_2018-19_T2 Module
MN1405 Foundations of Knowledge 2018-19 T1 MN1405_2018-19_T1 Module
MN1406 Foundations of Management 2018-19 T2 MN1406_2018-19_T2 Module
MN1407 Foundations of Entrepreneurship 2018-19 SEM1 MN1407_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN1408 Entrepreneurial Practices 2018-19 SEM2 MN1408_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1409 Accounting and Finance in Context 2018-19 SEM2 MN1409_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN1410 Maths and Statistics for Accounting and Finance 2018-19 SEM1 MN1410_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2024 Entrepreneurial Environments 2018-19 SEM1 MN2024_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2025 Entrepreneurial Leadership 2018-19 SEM2 MN2025_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2101 Financial Management 2018-19 SEM1 MN2101_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2103 Research Methods 2018-19 SEM2 MN2103_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2104 Organisational Behaviour 2018-19 SEM1 MN2104_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2109 Business Simulation I 2018-19 SEM1 MN2109_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2110 Operations Management 2018-19 SEM2 MN2110_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2112 International Marketing Communications 2018-19 SEM2 MN2112_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2114 International Finance 2018-19 SEM2 MN2114_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2116 Corporate Social Responsibility: Theory and Practice 2018-19 SEM2 MN2116_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2117 Stock Market Analysis and Equity Valuation 2018-19 SEM2 MN2117_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2118 Global Branding (Theory and Practice) 2018-19 SEM2 MN2118_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2120 The Business Environment 2018-19 SEM1 MN2120_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2121 Consumer Research 2018-19 SEM2 MN2121_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2122 Dissertation Preparation 2018-19 SEM2 MN2122_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2123 The Business Environment for Economics 2018-19 SEM1 MN2123_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2125 Crisis Management 2018-19 SEM2 MN2125_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2131 Human Resource Management 2018-19 SEM2 MN2131_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2133 Managing Diversity 2018-19 SEM2 MN2133_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2134 Corporate Finance 2018-19 SEM1 MN2134_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2135 Foundations of Financial Reports Analysis 2018-19 SEM1 MN2135_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2136 Corporate Governance 2018-19 SEM1 MN2136_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2137 Financial Markets Products: Futures and Forwards 2018-19 SEM2 MN2137_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2138 Accounting, Decision making and Control 2018-19 SEM2 MN2138_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2139 Accounting Theory 2018-19 SEM2 MN2139_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2140 Macro-Finance 2018-19 SEM2 MN2140_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2141 Accounting for small and medium enterprises 2018-19 SEM2 MN2141_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2142 Public Accounting 2018-19 SEM2 MN2142_2018-19_SEM2 Module
MN2143 Workplace Learning and HRM 2018-19 SEM1 MN2143_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2144 Globalisation and Skills 2018-19 SEM1 MN2144_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2156 Organisational Behaviour 2018-19 SEM1 MN2156_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN2158 Workplace Learning and HRM 2018-19 SEM1 MN2158_2018-19_SEM1 Module
MN9000 UG Careers 2018-19 SEM1 MN9000_2018-19_SEM1 Module
Models of Risk, Crisis and Disaster MN7636 Module
MSc Careers MN9001 Module
Operations Management MN2110 Module
Operations Management MN2110_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Organisational Behaviour MN2104 Module
Organisational Behaviour MN2104_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Organisational research and consultancy methods and the MBA Project MN7709 Module
Performance Measurement in Financial Institutions MN3141_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Performance Measurement in Financial Institutions MN3141 Module
Personnel and Human Resource Management MN2504 Module
Place Branding and Tourism MN3144 Module
Power at Work MN3111_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Power at Work MN3111 Module
Principles and Practices of International Business MN7050 Module
Principles of Business Economics MN7436 Module
Principles of Marketing MN1423 Module
Principles of Marketing MN7010 Module
Principles of Marketing MN1002_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Principles of Marketing MN1002 Module
Professional Ethics and Critical Theory MN3150 Module
Project (HRM) MN3203 Module
Project (Management) MN3201 Module
Project (Marketing) MN3205 Module
Public Sector Accounting MN2142 Module
Public Sector Accounting MN2142_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Quantitative Methods MN1403 Module
Research Methods MN3013 Module
Research Methods MN2103_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Research Methods for Accounting and Finance MN2150_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Research Methods For Accounting and Finance MN2150 Module
Research Methods for Managers MN7408 Module
Research Methods for Marketing MN7012 Module
Responsible Business in a Global Context MN7413 Module
Services Marketing MN3119 Module
Social Studies of Finance MN3136_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Social Studies of Finance MN3136 Module
Strategic Brand Management MN2107 Module
Strategic Brand Management MN2107_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management MN3012 Module
Strategic Marketing Management and Practice MN3168 Module
Strategies for Creative Marketing MN3015 Module
Strategies for International Marketing MN7009_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Strategy MN2108_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Strategy MN3153_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Strategy MN3100 Module
Strategy MN3100_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Strategy MN2108 Module
Survey Research for Management Studies MN3121 Module
Survey Research for Management Studies MN3121_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Technology in Financial Markets MN3139_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Technology in Financial Markets MN3139 Module
The Business Environment MN2120_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Business Environment MN2120 Module
The Changing Nature of Skills, Production, Performance and Competitiveness MN7659 Module
The Cultural Producers of Taste MN3130_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Cultural Producers of Taste MN3130 Module
The Management and Shaping of Innovation MN3133_2019-20_SEM1 Module
The Management and Shaping of Innovation MN3133 Module
The Political Economy of Brexit MN3127_2019-20_SEM2 Module
The Political Economy of Brexit MN3127 Module
The Production and Consumption of Culture MN3106 Module
The Strategic Management of Innovation, Design and Technology MN7045 Module
Theories of Risk, Crisis and Disasters MN7631 Module
UG Careers MN9000 Module
Work and Society MN1426 Module
Work and Society MN1013_2019-20_SEM2 Module
Work and Society MN1013 Module
Workplace Learning and HRM MN2143_2019-20_SEM1 Module
Workplace Learning and HRM MN2143 Module
Workplace Learning and Human Resource Management MN2501 Module

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